Breville NESPRESSO Vertuo Скачать руководство пользователя страница 21





No light on the button.

 The machine has turned “OFF

 automatically; push the button or “UNLOCK” the machine.

 Check the outlet, plug, voltage, and fuse.


No coffee, no water.

Check that the water tank is filled.

Check that a fresh capsule is inserted in correct position, that the lever is properly locked and push the button to start.

Descale if necessary. 

Open the machine head and let the capsule be ejected. Then perform a cleaning as per cleaning section.


Coffee is not hot enough.

Preheat cup with hot water from the tap. 

Descale if necessary. 


The machine doesn’t start and has 
light steady on. 
If blinking, see next points.

Check that lever is properly locked.

If you want to brew a Coffee or Espresso, check that a fresh capsule is inserted in correct position, that the lever is properly locked and push the button to start.

If you are cleaning, descaling or emptying the system, check that no capsule is inserted then close, lock the machine and push the button to start one of these operations.


The machine doesn’t start and light 
blinks alternately; 1 blink and 1 pause.

Fill the water tank and push button to start.

Check that lever is properly locked.


Light blinks while machine is running.

If coffee is flowing normally, this indicates the machine is working properly.

If only water is flowing, the machine is executing a user request for either cleaning, descaling or emptying the system. Refer to the corresponding paragraph in this user manual.

If there is no intention to clean, descale, or empty the system, then push the button to stop the machine. If the machine is still blinking, exit descaling mode by holding the button for at least 
7 seconds or refer to next section.

If problem persists, call the 




Light blinks and machine is not 

 It will take some times before the coffee flow comes out (due to code reading and pre-wetting the coffee).

Check that a fresh capsule is inserted in correct position, that the lever is properly locked and push the button to start.

Fill in the water tank and push button to start.

Turn the machine to “OFF mode” by pushing 3 seconds the button and then push it again to turn the machine “ON”. Now wait approx. 20 minutes to allow machine cooling down after 
extensive use. 

If machine doesn’t move to “OFF” then exit descaling mode by pushing the button for at least 7 seconds.


Light blinks alternately 2 blinks and 
1 pause continuously. Machine is not 

During regular Coffee/Espresso preparation: 1) Check that a fresh, undamaged capsule is inserted in the correct position; 2) Check that lever is in “LOCKED” position; 3) If problem persists, 
eject capsule and insert a new one, lock and press button.

During Descaling, Emptying and Cleaning: 1) Check that a capsule is ejected; 2) Check that the lever is in “LOCKED” position.3)  Press button for at least 3 seconds to turn machine to “OFF 
mode”. 4) Press button again to turn machine “ON”.  If problem persists, disconnect powercord from the outlet and plug the machine back into the outlet after 
10 seconds. Press the button to turn “ON” and press again to start brewing.

During Programming Volume: 1) Please check if a capsule has been well inserted.  2) Please refer to the corresponding chapter.

If problem persists, call the 




 Leakage or unusual coffee flow.

Check that the water tank is well positioned.



Содержание NESPRESSO Vertuo

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