Low end level
The parameter of this step defines the low end of active measurement, by
the same terms as selected for the speed display in the previous steps
P01.02 and .03.
When the speed is below this level – and this is the most important func-
tion of this step – the direction output can be forced into a preselected
sense, either forward or reverse or not changed (defined by step P02.03).
The direction sensor by nature detects the sense of rotation and maintains
its last state when the motion comes to stop (which might be an arbitrary
condition). This function step however allows to assign, for instance, a
forward signal to zero speed, thereby giving the “reverse” output a true
reverse run
When the speed is below this level, the measurement will be set to zero,
in display, analog output, and alarm condition.,
Step P01.04
Low end definiton
Group P02.xx
Display Performance and Direction Signal
Zeroing lesser significant digits
To eliminate a fluctuation in the last digit(s), as caused by fluctuations in
the variable or signal source, these digits can be kept at zero reading. Set
the number of those as the parameter of this step.
If the paramter is set to 5, the display of the speed value will be
totally blanked.
Display updating sequence
Independent from the measuring period as programmed in step P00.03,
the display may have its own up-dating, programmable in steps of 0.1
seconds, up to 9.9 sec. Set the parameter to the desired time sequence.
A recommended value is 0.3 sec.
Step P02.00
number of LSDs to be kept
at zero
Step P02.01
display up-date sequence
Direction Output assigned to “No-Power” condition
The wiring diagram shows the direction output relay in its deenergized
position. To consider safety or other aspects of the application, this posi-
tion may either be assigned to “forward” or to “reverse” signal by:
Parameter 0 = forward, parameter 1 = reverse
Step P02.02
“no power” direction output
Minimum number of reverse pulses to release reverse alarm
Reverse alarm is released, if during a given time period (refer to P02.04) a
subsequent number reverse pulses have been counted. The amount of
pulses is adjustable from 01 to 99 pulses.
Step P02.03
minimum number of reverse pulses
Time period for reset of reverse pulse counter
A slow reverse motion could trigger an inadvertent reverse alarm. To
prevent this, the reverse pulse counter is periodically resetted after an
adjustable time period (001 to 999 seconds).
Step P02.04
time period for reset of reverse
pulse counter
Direction signal at low speed
When the speed is below the threshold set by program step P01.04, the
direction output can be set to a signal position determined by the parame-
ter: 0 = no change, 1 = forward, 2 = reverse.
Note: Settings 1 or 2 override the direction signal prevailing in the
sensor output under this condition.
Step P02.05
direction signal at “low speed”