Program Structure
A program step No. is assigned to each parameter.
The entire steps are divided into program groups, to facilitate the ad-
dressing. Therefore, the address appears as PXX.xx , where XX is the
group No., and xx the No. of the specific step in this group.
Programming Procedure
To enter the programming phase, keep key
depressed when touching
. The display switches to P00.00, indicating the first program step.
The group No. blinks, indicating that it may be increased or decreased,
Once in the desired group, touch
, to switch to step No selection. In-
crease or decrease the same way. Return to group selection by
When in the desired step, touch
. The display now reads the actual
parameter of this step. It may be varied, if data access is authorized, or
access key unlocked. Programming a new parameter is done digit by
digit. The digit ready to receive a new number blinks in display. Select a
higher value by key
, or a lower one by key
. Move to the next digit
at left (if necessary) by key
, and proceed accordingly. With the entire
parameter ready prepared, touch
again. Not before then it will become
touched instead leaves the parameter at its previous value.
Leave the programming phase by again touching
. The display returns
to process readings.
Programmable Parameters
Data Access and Minimum Measuring Period
Key figure to access
Programming access to all parameters can be locked by a password num-
ber. If not properly served, the parameters may be called to display but
not varied. If not properly served, the display reads -E1-,and any pro-
gramming in a later program step will be rejected.
If the knowledge of the password number went lost it may be recalled to
display by a procedure, as described in a separate sheet K0-095 (not
included into these instructions). The code figure than appears by 4 dig-
its, headed by a _ sign.
In a subsequent program step, a new code may be established, substitut-
ing the one previously valid.
The key function may be disengaged by a next program step. With au-
thorized access, set parameter to 1 in step No .02, to generally unlock the
key. This may prove practical during the installation phase to facilitate
the adjustments. Once installed, the key function should be re- activated,
by programming parameter 0 in this step.
Program steps grouping
group step
programming procedure
Step P00.00
Code figure to access
Step P00.01
new code figure
Step P00.02
unlock access key