Content Subject to Change
This operator manual is provided with each new model and contains information to allow for quick start-up
of your new ICE RS26 Robotic Scrubber, powered by BrainOS. This manual may be periodically updated or
revised. The robotic scrubber can be used in manual mode or in robotic (self-driving/autonomous) mode. Use
in robotic mode requires a subscription to Brain Corp’s Autonomy Services. Follow all provided instructions
and warnings. Failure to adhere to directions could result in damage to the machine and injury to the operator
and public.
Brain Operating System (BrainOS) is the name of Brain Corp’s artifi cial intelligence (AI) and autonomous
navigation software that provides robotic operating capabilities to the robotic scrubber. ICE China is Intelligent
Cleaning Equipment Holdings Co. Ltd., a British Virgin Islands limited company, having its principal place of
business at Sea Meadow House, P.O. Box 116, Blackburne Highway, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.
The ICE RS26 Robotic Scrubber is a commercial fl oor scrubber that is powered by BrainOS software. The
robotic scrubber is capable of functioning in either manual or robotic mode. When in robotic mode, the robotic
scrubber is driven by the BrainOS navigation software. This manual uses the term robotic mode, which is
equivalent to autonomous mode.
The robotic scrubber may be covered by one or more patents or pending patent applications. See
for details. Discrete portions of this product were made possible by open source
software. See
for details.
The robotic scrubber is a collaborative robot that is intended for supervised commercial use. Use the robotic
scrubber exclusively on hard fl oors in an indoor environment. Do not use on soil, grass, artifi cial turf, or
carpeted surfaces. Only use the robotic scrubber with accessories approved by Brain Corp or ICE. The
robotic scrubber should only be used by operators trained by Brain Corp or Brain Corp-approved trainers in a
controlled, restricted environment approved by Brain Corp.
Additional training materials may be provided as to the intended use of the robotic scrubber, and it should only
be used in accordance with such training. Use the machine in approved environments in accordance with the
Autonomy Services Agreement (ASA) and the Autonomous Navigation Software End User License Agreement
The operator is responsible for the use of the robotic scrubber in both manual and robotic mode. Therefore,
each operator must be mindful to use the machine in accordance with its intended use, precautions, and
warnings at all times. Operators will not engage in any of the following conduct or activities with respect to
Autonomy Services or BrainOS:
a. Transmission of any software or other materials that contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, defects,
spyware, spiders, screen-scrapers, or other items of a destructive or disruptive nature;
b. Exploitation of the Autonomy Services, BrainOS, or the machine’s hardware in any unauthorized manner,
including trespassing or burdening server or network capacity or infrastructure;
c. Framing, mirroring, or reselling any part of the Autonomy Services or BrainOS without Brain Corp’s
prior written authorization;
d. Unauthorized collection of user information;
e. Attempting to deliberately damage or undermine the legitimate operation of the Autonomy Services or
The machine’s onboard cameras may capture images of people who happen to be in its surrounding.
There may be additional jurisdictional laws of operation relating to use of technology with cameras.
Please comply with all applicable laws, including using signage or obtaining consents as required.