BPW-EA-AS 37772001de
Page 9
AirSave Control Box
The Control Box contains a twin-piston pump, a generator, a pressure relief
valve, an excess pressure valve, a pressure regulating valve, a safety valve
and a test connection.
The twin-piston pump increases the inlet pressure by a factor of 1.7 until the
desired outlet pressure is reached.
The generator switches on the warning lamp whenever the system delivers
an excessive air fl ow to an untight tyre or an untight tyre fi lling system
component. The warning lamp fl ashes at diff erent speeds, depending on
the air fl ow.
The pressure relief valve ensures that air is available for other functions of
the drawbar trailer. In addition, it retains the pressure in the air tank if a tyre
or a tyre fi lling component becomes damaged.
The excess pressure valve is used to manually relieve the pressure from the
tyre fi lling system. This allows maintenance to be carried out on the compo-
nents of the drawbar trailer/semi-trailer axle or on the tyre fi lling system.
In addition, the excess pressure valve opens automatically at a pressure
greater than 11.3 bar.
The pressure regulating valve is used to set the system air pressure. The
system air pressure should be adjusted to the tyre pressure recommended
by the customer. The safety valve allows and stops the air supply to the
AirSave LED display
An AirSave LED display assembled on the drawbar trailer/semi-trailer is switched
on when the system pumps due to an untight tyre or an untight tyre fi lling system
Stator and rotor
The stator is located within the axle stub and the rotor is fastened to the wheel
hub cap. Compressed air fl ows through a polyamid tube from the AirSave
Control Box via a T-piece and through the inside of the axle to the rotating hub
via a needle, which extends from the rotor into the stator.
Seals located in the rotor and stator allow rotation without loss of compressed air.
The rotor protective cap prevents impurities, such as dirt and water, from entering
the wheel end.
Valve hose
The tube is a fl exible extension of the tyre valve. A check valve on the knurled end
of the tube allows air to fl ow to the tyre in only one direction. This prevents each
tyre from losing air pressure if the tyre fi lling system or a tyre defl ates during