MyBot Base Kit Assembly Instructions v1.4a
Page 13 of 18
(For kits supplied with black wheels)
MyBot Base Kit | Assembly Guide
Getting Started – Connecting
Connecting to the Fusion Controller:
On your computer, activate the WiFi and look for the Wireless Network being generated by the Fusion Controller. The
Network’s name will look like
. You can see the actual network name (known as the SSID) on a label
on the side of the Fusion Controller and also on the inside lid of the Fusion Controller Box. Select this network and enter
the case sensitive passkey
. Once the network is connected you are ready to open the Fusion’s user
Important: If you have any other network connections on this computer – especially WIRED connections – you should
disconnect them to prevent communication problems.
Opening the Fusion’s User Interface:
Open the Browser on your computer (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge is recommended). Enter the URL
press Enter. After a few moments, the Fusion’s Login Page should be displayed.
Trouble-shooting Tips:
If the computer says it cannot find the my.bot URL, it suggests that you still have another active network connection,
or that security software may be preventing proper address resolution. Please try the following:
Instead of the
URL, enter the address:
and press enter.
If connection is established using this URL, it confirms that you either have another active network connection of
security software is preventing proper address resolution.
If the direct address entry does not access the Fusion’s Login Page, there may be other problems with your
connection or security software. Contact your network administrator for assistance.