1. Flush out the bad water
2. Add fresh water with 20 percent bleach. Cycle the bleach-water for 30 minutes. Flush this water
out also.
3. Switch the inlet and outlet hoses and flush with more water. This should dislodge mold from
inside the laser tube.
4. The flow safety sensor could also be full of mold. The best solution is to take it apart and clean
with a soft brush or pipe cleaners. Make sure to re-assemble the sensor correctly and without
leaks. It is possible that harsh cleaners could creep into the sensor electronics and cause
permanent damage.
Storage of the laser:
Clean, dry, warm location with o vibration.
a e re ere are
e w r a e w e e a
Use a dehumidifier:
Humidity can cause the metal parts of the laser machine to rust. All metal is expected to rust.
One unexpected metal surface is the laser mirrors. It is best to try to control the humidity level in
the laser work area. Clean the mirrors and check for this oxidation as a possible problem. Replace
mirrors that do not meet your expectation of performance.
O P E R A T O R’ S M A N U A L F O R L S S E R I E S
Air filters:
Please consult your user appropriate user manual(s) for cleaning or replacing the air filters.
Air filters work best when air is able to move through them and catch the specs of dust, fumes, and
in the air. If a filter is too dirty, then the air pressure will be adversely reduced. It can
be very important to get the bad smells out of the room. Some
- a e
from the laser cutting
process can be caustic, nauseating, volatile, corrosive, or even deadly. It is best to use multiple
stages of filters to catch the
f T
e ded
a e e area
e ea e r e re e wee a
a er a e e a
w e re e a y a
e a a ar a ay a e e
re e e
e e a
e e a a e
If concerned about these items rusting, then you should apply a thin coating of silicone
base grease. One application per year should be enough.
Firstly, automotive antifreeze should not be used as a laser coolant. The best coolant is
deionized water. In the absence of deionized water, distilled water can be used. Tap water should
be a much later resort. The coolant should always be clean and clear. It is a common problem for
the coolant to become infested with mold. This often looks like a murky green water with algae
build up on the inner walls of the hoses. The solution is a multi-step process.