BOSST60 IAX2 Phone User Manual (V1.43)
Set register TTL. X is range from 10 through 65535 Sec. Default
value is 60 Sec.
set phonenumber XXXXXXXX
Set a local ID of BOSST60 IP Phone. Value xxxxx must be an
Arabic numeral and no longer than 16 characters.
set account XXXXXX
Set the account; Value xxxxxx must be an Arabic numeral and no
longer than 32 characters.
Set the account; Value xxxxxx must be an Arabic numeral and no
longer than 32 characters.
set localport XXXX
Set the local port. Value XXXX default is 4569.
set dtmf X
Set DTMF relay type. X is ranged form 0 through 1: 0: Inband
audio;1: outband audio.
set tos X
Set TOS segment of IP head package in RTP digital follow. X is
range from 0 through 224.
set superpassword XXXX
Set super password of the AT320 IP phone. XXX must be ASCII