BOSST60 IAX2 Phone User Manual (V1.43)
IAX2 Protocol Settings
Fig 3.5 IAX2 Protocol Settings
service addr: Please set the URI (domain name/IP address : service port)
of the asterisk server into “service addr”. When the default service port
4569 is used, “: service port” can be omitted.
register ttl : IP phone will send a keep-alive registration message to
theasterisk server every “register ttl” seconds. The minimum value is 10,
maximum value is 65535. Default is 60.
phone number: The local phone number or username of this phone,
usually is allocated by system.
account: With the asterisk server which requires authentication, please
put the username/account into this field.
pin: With the asterisk server which requires authentication, please put the
password into this field.
local port: The local UDP port registered with the asterisk server to
accept incoming handshaking messages. The default port number is