other Network devices.
6. Subnet Mask Address:
Default Subnet Mask Address is:
7. Default Gateway IP Address:
epends on your Internet Service
Provider. Please contact them for further assistance.
8~10. Domain Name Server:
Your Internet Service provider will provide
you with at least one DNS IP Address.
3.3 Wireless Setup
Wireless LAN Setup
Note:This function only used by Wi-Fi Camera Pro.
1. Wireless opmode: Ad Hoc / Infrastructure:
Switch the Wi-Fi Camera
wireless mode between the Ad Hoc mode (point to point), or
Infrastructure mode (Broadcast).
Ad Hoc : If you want to connect the Wi-Fi camera and PC or notebook
directly, please select this mode. But you must make sure your
notebook includes the Wireless LAN Card (802.11b/g) and you
must set the parameter for 802.11b/g and Ad Hoc.
Infrastructure: If there is a wireless AP ( Access Point), please select this
2. SSID:
SSID works best with the User ID which is used by the WLAN.
3. Encryption Type :
Switch Encryption Type.
6. Key:
Assign WEP digital Number Key. The digital numbers must the
same as the WEP Key which was used by the Wireless AP (Access
7. IP setup:
you can use the same parameter, prefers the
Basic Setup