1. Put the food in the small cup, making sure it does not exceed
2. Screw on the Grinding Jar Base on the bottom of the small
cup and fix it on the main unit.
3. Plug in the machine. Generally, it can finish grinding in 30
4. Unplug the machine once it finishes grinding, then twist off the blade and pour out
the ingredients.
efHemeeF& keÀjves kesÀ ef}S
1. KeeÐe HeoeLe& íesìs keÀHe ceW jKeW, ³en megefveef½ele keÀj }W efkeÀ meeceûeer 100 ûe@ce mes p³eeoe ve nes ~
2. íesìs keÀHe kesÀ efve®e}s efnmmes kesÀ ûeeFb[eRie peej yesme keÀes IegceeSb Deewj GHekeÀjCe Hej }ieeS~
3. GHekeÀjCe keÀe H}ie }ieeSb~ Deece leewj Hej efHemeeF& 30 meskebÀ[ ceW nesleer nw~
4. efHemeeF& nesves Hej H}ie efvekeÀe}W~ efHeÀj ûeeFb[eRie peej yesme keÀes IegceeSB Deewj meeceûeer efvekeÀe} }W~
3) The machine should be used often, otherwise place it in the dry and ventilated
1) Ensure the machine is off when cleaning the body.
2) Clean the main unit with damp cloth instead of water. Do not wash the product by
1. megefveef½ele keÀjW efkeÀ, GHekeÀjCe keÀer meHeÀeF& kesÀ oewjeve ceµeerve yebo nes~
2. GHekeÀjCe keÀes Heeveer kesÀ yepee³e vece keÀHe[s mes meeHeÀ keÀjW~ GHekeÀjCe ef[µe Jee@µej mes cele meeHeÀ efkeÀefpeS~
3. GHekeÀjCe keÀe nceWµee Fmlescee} efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS Dev³eLee FmeW megKes Deewj nJeeoej peien Hej jKeW~