Be sure not to fill ingredients more than capacity
men oned in the user manual.
Place the Cup on the flat surface with the open end
facing up. Fill up the Cup with your favourite ingredients.
megefveef½ele keÀjs efkeÀ Ghe³eesie HegefmlekeÀe ceW Gef}ÁefKele #ecelee mes DeefOekeÀ
meeceûeer ve Yejs~
keÀHe keÀes HeÌ}wì ìsye} Hej jKes~ DeHeves Hemeboeroe HeÀ}eW kesÀ meeLe keÀHe
Turn the Cup over and place on a flat surface. Replace the
Blending Jar Base with Cup Lid & take the Cup with you
throughout the day to stay hydrated.
keÀHe keÀes HeÌ}wì ìsye} Hej jKeW~ y}W[eRie peej yesme keÀes keÀHe {keÌkeÀve mes
yeo}W~ DeeHekesÀ mJeemL³e kesÀ ef}S Hetjs efove v³etì^er peej meeLe jKeW~
To lock the Cup in the base for hands–free opera on,
simply turn the Cup clockwise on the main unit.
Fasten the Blending Jar Base on the open end of the Cup.
Turn the Cup upside down, line up arrows on the base
and place the Cup on the main unit.
Blending will stop once you unlock the Cup from the
main unit.
nQ[-ÖeÀer Dee@Hejsµeve kesÀ ef}S GHekeÀjCe ceW keÀHe keÀes Ieæ[er keÀer metF& kesÀ
Devegmeej }e@keÀ efkeÀpeerS~
GHekeÀjCe mes keÀHe Deve}e@keÀ keÀjves Hej y}W[eRie yebo nes peeSiee~
keÀHe kesÀ Keg}s efnmmeW Hej y}s[ keÀes DemeWye} keÀjs~ keÀHe keÀes Guìe keÀjW
Deewj efveµeeve keÀer lejHeÀ IegceeSb, Deewj keÀHe keÀes GHekeÀjCe Hej jKeW~