Date of Manufacture
: The eighth digit in the serial number indicates the year of manufacture; “0” is 2010 or 2020.
China Importer
: Bose Electronics (Shanghai) Company Limited, Part C, Plant 9, No. 353 North Riying Road, China
(Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
EU Importer
: Bose Products B.V., Gorslaan 60, 1441 RG Purmerend, The Netherlands
Taiwan Importer
: Bose Taiwan Branch, 9F-A1, No. 10, Section 3, Minsheng East Road, Taipei City 104, Taiwan
Phone Number: +886-2-2514 7676
Mexico Importer
: Bose de México, S. de R.L. de C.V., Paseo de las Palmas 405-204, Lomas de Chapultepec,
11000 México, D.F. Phone Number: +5255 (5202) 3545
UK Importer
: Bose Limited, Bose House, Quayside Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4QZ, United Kingdom
Input Rating
: 100 - 240V
50/60Hz, 65W
The CMIIT ID is located on the product label on the back of the soundbar.
Please complete and retain for your records
The serial and model numbers are located on the back of the soundbar.
Serial number: ____________________________________________________________________
Model number: ____________________________________________________________________
Please keep your receipt with your owner’s guide. Now is a good time to register your Bose product.
You can easily do this by going to global.Bose.com/register