6 720 801 019 (2012/05)
Room thermostat / programmer
A room thermostat / programmer must be fitted to control the
central heating. This controls the times and temperatures of the
central heating, preventing the boiler from firing unnecessarily.
Refer to the instructions supplied with the thermostat and
programmer for further information.
Thermostatic radiator valves
Thermostatic radiator valves must be fitted in sleeping
accommodation. It is recommended that this type of valve is fitted
to all but one of the radiators. The remaining radiator, where the
room thermostat is located, must be uncontrolled and left open.
Pump over run function
After the boiler has finished a demand for central heating or hot
water, the pump may continue to run for a short while to dissipate
the heat from within the boiler.
Pump anti-seizure
If there has been no heating demand for 24 hours the boiler will
run the system pump for a few seconds to reduce the possibility
of pump seizure during long periods of inactivity.
Seasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boilers in the UK.