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owned by HERE and its licensors. Ownership of
the media on which the Database is contained is
retained by HERE and/or your supplier until you
have paid in full any amounts due to HERE and/
or your supplier pursuant to this Agreement or
similar agreement(s) under which the Database
is provided to you.
HERE grants you a non-exclusive license to use
the Database for your personal use or, if applica-
ble, for use in your business’ internal operations.
This license does not include the right to grant
The Database is restricted for use in the specific
system for which it was created. Except to the
extent explicitly permitted by mandatory laws
(e.g. national laws based on the European Soft-
ware Directive (91/250) and the Database
Directive (96/9)), you may not extract or reuti-
lize substantial parts of the contents of the Data-
base nor reproduce, copy, modify, adapt, trans-
late, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer
any portion of the Database. If you wish to
obtain interoperability information as meant in
(the national laws based on) the European
Software Directive, you shall grant HERE reason-
able opportunity to provide said information on
reasonable terms, including costs, to be deter-
mined by HERE.
The Database includes information provided
under license to HERE from third parties and is
subject to the supplier terms and copyright
notices set forth at the following URL:
You may not transfer the Database to third par-
ties, except when installed in the system for
which it was created or when you do not retain
any copy of the Database, and provided that the
transferee agrees to all terms and conditions of
this Agreement and confirms this in writing to
HERE. Multi-disc sets may only be transferred or
sold as a complete set as provided by HERE and
not as subset thereof.
HERE warrants that, subject to the warnings set
out below, for a period of 12 months after acqui-
sition of your copy of the Database, it will per-
form substantially in accordance with HERE’s
Criteria for Accuracy and Completeness existing
on the date you acquired the Database; these
criteria are available from HERE at your request.
If the Database does not perform in accordance
with this limited warranty, HERE will use reason-
able efforts to repair or replace your noncon-
forming copy of the Database. If these efforts do
not lead to performance of the Database in
accordance with the warranties set out herein,
you will have the option to either receive a rea-
sonable refund of the price you paid for the
Database or to rescind this Agreement. This
shall be HERE’s entire liability and your sole
remedy against HERE. Except as expressly
provided in this section, HERE does not warrant
nor make any representations regarding the use
of results of the use of the Database in terms of
its correctness, accuracy, reliability, or other-
wise. HERE does not warrant that the Database
is or will be error free. No oral or written infor-
mation or advice provided by HERE, your sup-
plier or any other person shall create a warranty
or in any way increase the scope of the limited
warranty described above. The limited warranty
set forth in this Agreement does not affect or
prejudice any statutory legal rights that you may
have under the legal warranty against hidden
If you did not acquire the Database from HERE
directly, you may have statutory rights against
the person from whom you have acquired the
Database in addition to the rights granted by
HERE hereunder according to the law of your
jurisdiction. The above warranty of HERE shall
not affect such statutory rights and you may
assert such rights in addition to the warranty
rights granted herein.
The price of the Database does not include any
consideration for assumption of risk of conse-
quential, indirect or unlimited direct damages
which may arise in connection with your use of
the Database. Accordingly, in no event shall
HERE be liable for any consequential or indirect
damages, including without limitation, loss of
revenue, data, or use, incurred by you or any