background image




 Lebensgefahr bei

Nichtbeachtung der nachstehenden

Nehmen Sie die Produkte erst dann

in Betrieb, nachdem Sie die mit dem

Produkt gelieferten Unterlagen und

Sicherheitshinweise vollständig

durchgelesen, verstanden und

beachtet haben.
Sollten Ihnen keine Unterlagen in

Ihrer Landessprache vorliegen,

wenden Sie sich an Ihren

zuständigen Rexroth-

Nur qualifiziertes Personal darf an

Antriebskomponenten arbeiten.
Nähere Erläuterungen zu den

Sicherheitshinweisen entnehmen Sie

Kapitel 1 dieser Dokumentation.

 Danger to life in

case of non‑compliance with the

below-mentioned safety

Do not attempt to install or put these

products into operation until you

have completely read, understood

and observed the documents

supplied with the product.
If no documents in your language

were supplied, please consult your

Rexroth sales partner.
Only qualified persons may work

with drive components.
For detailed explanations on the

safety instructions, see chapter 1 of

this documentation.

 Danger de

mort en cas de non‑respect des

consignes de sécurité figurant ci-

après !
Ne mettez les produits en service

qu’après avoir lu complètement et

après avoir compris et respecté les

documents et les consignes de

sécurité fournis avec le produit.
Si vous ne disposez pas de la

documentation dans votre langue,

merci de consulter votre partenaire

Seul un personnel qualifié est autorisé

à travailler sur les composants

Vous trouverez des explications plus

détaillées relatives aux consignes de

sécurité au chapitre 1 de la présente


 Hohe elektrische

Spannung! Lebensgefahr durch

elektrischen Schlag!
Betreiben Sie Antriebskomponenten

nur mit fest installiertem

Schalten Sie vor Zugriff auf

Antriebskomponenten die

Spannungsversorgung aus.
Beachten Sie die Entladezeiten von


 High electrical

voltage! Danger to life by electric

Only operate drive components with

a permanently installed equipment

grounding conductor.
Disconnect the power supply before

accessing drive components.
Observe the discharge times of the



électriques élevées ! Danger de mort

par électrocution !
N’exploitez les composants

d’entraînement que si un conducteur

de protection est installé de manière

Avant d’intervenir sur les composants

d’entraînement, coupez toujours la

tension d’alimentation.
Tenez compte des délais de décharge

de condensateurs.


Bewegungen! Lebensgefahr!
Halten Sie sich nicht im

Bewegungsbereich von Maschinen

und Maschinenteilen auf.
Verhindern Sie den unbeabsichtigten

Zutritt für Personen.
Bringen Sie vor dem Zugriff oder

Zutritt in den Gefahrenbereich die

Antriebe sicher zum Stillstand.


movements! Danger to life!
Keep free and clear of the ranges of

motion of machines and moving

machine parts.
Prevent personnel from accidentally

entering the range of motion of

Make sure that the drives are brought

to safe standstill before accessing or

entering the danger zone.

Mouvements entraînant une situation

dangereuse ! Danger de mort !
Ne séjournez pas dans la zone de

mouvement de machines et de

composants de machines.
Évitez tout accès accidentel de

Avant toute intervention ou tout accès

dans la zone de danger, assurez-vous

de l’arrêt préalable de tous les


MSK Motors Operation For Potentially

Explosive Areas  


R911323850_Edition 05 Bosch Rexroth AG

Содержание Rexroth MSK030-NSNN Series

Страница 1: ...MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas ATEX Directives 2014 34 EU Operating Instructions R911323850 Edition 05 ...

Страница 2: ...roduction edit ing distribution as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights Liability The specified data is intended for product description purposes only and shall not be deemed to be a guaranteed characteristic unless expressly stipulated in the contract All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documen tation and the availability of the product Publi...

Страница 3: ...elektrische Spannung Lebensgefahr durch elektrischen Schlag Betreiben Sie Antriebskomponenten nur mit fest installiertem Schutzleiter Schalten Sie vor Zugriff auf Antriebskomponenten die Spannungsversorgung aus Beachten Sie die Entladezeiten von Kondensatoren High electrical voltage Danger to life by electric shock Only operate drive components with a permanently installed equipment grounding cond...

Страница 4: ... brûlure Évitez de toucher des surfaces métalliques p ex dissipateurs thermiques Respectez le délai de refroidissement des composants d entraînement au moins 15 minutes Unsachgemäße Handhabung bei Transport und Montage Verletzungsgefahr Verwenden Sie geeignete Montage und Transporteinrichtungen Benutzen Sie geeignetes Werkzeug und persönliche Schutzausrüstung Improper handling during transport and...

Страница 5: ...oni riguardanti le indicazioni di sicurezza consultare il capitolo 1 di questa documentazione Alta tensión eléctrica Peligro de muerte por descarga eléctrica Active sólo los componentes de accionamiento con el conductor protector firmemente instalado Desconecte la alimentación eléctrica antes de manipular los componentes de accionamiento Tenga en cuenta los tiempos de descarga de los condensadores...

Страница 6: ...rfici bollenti 60 C Pericolo di ustioni Evitare il contatto con superfici metalliche ad es dissipatori di calore Rispettare i tempi di raffreddamento dei componenti di comando almeno 15 minuti Manipulación inadecuada en el transporte y montaje Peligro de lesiones Utilice dispositivos de montaje y de transporte adecuados Utilice herramientas adecuadas y equipo de protección personal Manejo incorret...

Страница 7: ...ructies vindt u in hoofdstuk 1 van deze documentatie Hög elektrisk spänning Livsfara genom elchock Använd endast drivkomponenterna med fastmonterad skyddsledare Koppla bort spänningsförsörjningen före arbete på drivkomponenter Var medveten om kondensatorernas urladdningstid Elektrisk højspænding Livsfare på grund af elektrisk stød Drive components må kun benyttes med et fast installeret jordstik S...

Страница 8: met metalen oppervlakken bijv Koellichamen Afkoeltijd van de aandrijvingscomponenten in acht nemen min 15 minuten Felaktig hantering vid transport och montering Skaderisk Använd passande monterings och transportanordningar Använd lämpliga verktyg och personlig skyddsutrustning Fejlhåndtering ved transport og montering Risiko for kvæstelser Benyt egnede monterings og transportanordninger Be...

Страница 9: ...znete v kapitole 1 této dokumentace Voimakas sähköjännite Sähköiskun aiheuttama hengenvaara Käytä käyttölaitteen komponentteja ainoastaan maadoitusjohtimen ollessa kiinteästi asennettuna Katkaise jännitteensyöttö ennen käyttölaitteen komponenteille suoritettavien töiden aloittamista Huomioi kondensaattoreiden purkausajat Wysokie napięcie elektryczne Zagrożenie życia w wyniku porażenia prądem Zespo...

Страница 10: ...hy 60 C Nebezpečí popálení Nedotýkejte se kovových povrchů např chladicích těles Dodržujte dobu ochlazení komponent pohonu min 15 minut Epäasianmukainen käsittely kuljetuksen ja asennuksen yhteydessä Loukkaantumisvaara Käytä soveltuvia asennus ja kuljetuslaitteita Käytä omia työkaluja ja henkilökohtaisia suojavarusteita Niewłaściwe obchodzenie się podczas transportu i montażu Ryzyko urazu Stosować...

Страница 11: ...i în capitolul 1 al acestei documentaţii Visoka električna napetost Življenjska nevarnost zaradi električnega udara Pogonske komponente uporabljajte samo s fiksno nameščenim zaščitnim vodnikom Pred dostopom do pogonske komponente odklopite napajanje Upoštevajte čase praznjenja kondenzatorjev Vysoké elektrické napätie Nebezpečenstvo ohrozenia života v dôsledku zásahu elektrickým prúdom Komponenty p...

Страница 12: arsuri Nu atingeţi suprafeţele metalice de ex radiatoare de răcire Respectaţi timpii de răcire ai componentelor de acţionare min 15 minute Nestrokovno ravnanje med transportom in namestitvijo Nevarnost poškodb Uporabljajte ustrezne pripomočke za nameščanje in transport Uporabite ustrezno orodje in osebno zaščitno opremo Neodborná manipulácia pri transporte a montáži Nebezpečenstvo poranenia Pou...

Страница 13: ...ificēts personāls Detalizētus paskaidrojumus attiecībā uz drošības norādījumiem skatiet šī dokumenta 1 nodaļā Magas elektromos feszültség Életveszély áramütés miatt A hajtás alkatrészeit csak véglegesen telepített védővezetővel üzemeltesse Mielőtt hozzányúl a hajtás alkatrészeihez kapcsolja ki az áramellátást Ügyeljen a kondenzátorok kisülési idejére Високо електрическо напрежение Опасност за живо...

Страница 14: ...0 C Apdedzināšanās risks Neskarieties pie metāliskām virsmām piemēram dzesētāja Ļaujiet piedziņas komponentiem atdzist min 15 minūtes Szakszerűtlen kezelés szállításkor és szereléskor Sérülésveszély A megfelelő beszerelési és szállítási eljárásokat alkalmazza Használjon megfelelő szerszámokat és személyes védőfelszerelést Неправилно боравене по време на транспорт и монтаж Опасност от нараняване Из...

Страница 15: ...ίωσης Aukšta elektros įtampa Pavojus gyvybei dėl elektros smūgio Pavaros komponentus eksploatuokite tik su fiksuotai instaliuotu apsauginiu laidu Prieš prieidami prie pavaros komponentų išjunkite maitinimo įtampą Atsižvelkite į kondensatorių išsikrovimo trukmę Kõrge elektripinge Eluohtlik elektrilöögi tõttu Käitage ajamikomponente üksnes püsivalt installeeritud maandusega Lülitage enne ajamikompon...

Страница 16: ...ς 60 C Κίνδυνος εγκαύματος Αποφεύγετε την επαφή με μεταλλικές επιφάνειες π χ μονάδες ψύξης Λάβετε υπόψη το χρόνο ψύξης των στοιχείων μετάδοσης κίνησης τουλάχιστον 15 λεπτά Netinkamas darbas transportuojant ir montuojant Susižalojimo pavojus Naudokite tinkamus montavimo ir transportavimo įrenginius Naudokite tinkamus įrankius ir asmens saugos priemones Asjatundmatu käsitsemine transportimisel ja mo...

Страница 17: ...容放电时间 危险运动 生命危险 保证设备的运动区域内和移动部件周围无障碍物 防止人员意外进入设备运动区域内 在接近或进入危险区域之前 确保传动设备安全停止 电磁场 磁场 对佩戴心脏起搏器 金属植入物和助听器的人员会造成严重的人身伤害 上述人员禁止进入安装及运行的驱动器区域 或者必须事先咨询医生 热表面 大于 60 度 灼伤风险 不要触摸金属表面 例如散热器 驱动器部件断电后需要时间进行冷却 至少 15 分钟 安装和运输不当导致受伤危险 当心受伤 使用适当的运输和安装设备 使用适合的工具及用适当的防护设备 电池操作不当 受伤风险 请勿对低电量电池重新激活或重新充电 爆炸和腐蚀的危险 请勿拆解或损坏电池 请勿将电池投入明火中 MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas XV R911323850_Edition 05 Bosch R...

Страница 18: ...XVI MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas Bosch Rexroth AG R911323850_Edition 05 ...

Страница 19: ...nical attachment 9 1 10 Holding brake commissioning and maintenance 11 1 11 Connection technique 13 1 11 1 Power connection and encoder connection 13 1 11 2 Connect equipotential bonding conductor 15 1 12 Commissioning 15 1 13 Maintenance repair disassembly 16 1 13 1 Maintenance 17 1 13 2 Repair 18 2 Environmental protection and disposal 18 3 Service and support 20 4 Appendix 21 4 1 EU Declaration...

Страница 20: ...XVIII MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas Bosch Rexroth AG R911323850_Edition 05 ...

Страница 21: ...anning manual DOK MOTOR MSK EXGIIK3 PR P have been under stood and put into practice the overall system consists of motors drive controllers cables and accesso ries is inspected accepted and logged according to the relevant standard re quirements This operating instruction is part of the product and must be kept by the user of the motors over the entire period of use and service life of the produc...

Страница 22: ...horized to switch electric circuits and devices safely on and off to ground them and to mark them 2 to be trained or instructed to maintain and use adequate safety equipment 3 to attend a course of instruction in first aid Warning symbols The following warning symbols and signal words are used in these operating in structions to draw attention to hazards that may arise specifically when handling t...

Страница 23: ...t fulfill the requirements for explo sion protection according to the 2014 34 EU directive The application conditions given in this documentation must be taken into ac count for any project planning and be observed during operation Notes about test number The Ex designation for MSK motors can be identified by the X at the end of the type plate or declaration of conformity This marking is an indica...

Страница 24: ...fter approx 30 cm e g use cable clamps Maintenance and repair of motors must exclusively be done by the certified Rexroth service Ambient temperature The maximum operating temperature at an ambient temperature of 0 40 C is 155 C on the motor housing The ignition temperatures of materials that come into contact with the motors must be much higher than T 155 C Connecting conditions The motors must o...

Страница 25: stop Energies stored in the intermediate circuit have to be reduced or insulated as soon as possible through the activation of the emergency stop device so that in the case of a failure the risk of an effect into the danger zone is reduced The following options exist for activating the emergency shutdown system Reduce the energy via an intermediate short circuit Isolation of the energies before...

Страница 26: ...mple using a monitoring device for undervoltage Event of fault Only in an event of fault i e in the case of a fault in the system may the brake be activated when the motor is turning e g in order to prevent a dangerous low ering of vertical axes In this case sparks may be generated in the brake and in creased temperatures may occur within the motor When a fault occurs the op erator must eliminate ...

Страница 27: ... and checking of the impermeability are carried out according to the degree of pro tection IP 65 EN 60034 5 2001 The maximum temperature of parts within the motor can reach 155 C during normal operation at maximum ambient tempera ture Temperature monitoring The failure of the single channel temperature monitor in the device system may occur as the result of an error and might not be detected even ...

Страница 28: ...s or dust can occur T3 Temperature class T3 200 C IIB Explosion group IIIC Explosion group Gc Device protection level EPL classification Gc for advanced safety level for use in potentially gas explosive atmospheres where there is no ignition risk during normal operation or have any additional safety measures which ensure in the event of foreseeable faults malfunctions no ig nition risk exists Dc D...

Страница 29: ...sive at mospheres Check the components for visible damage Damaged components may not be mounted Before installation make sure that the ambient conditions at the place of use such as ambient temperature humidity and vibration or shock load do not ex ceed the specifications in the motor project planning Attachment MSK motors are manufactured ex works for flange mounting frame size B05 For details ab...

Страница 30: ... Prepare the motor mounting as follows 1 Procure tools auxiliary materials measuring and testing equipment 2 Check all components for visible damage Damaged components must not be mounted 3 Make sure that all system dimensions and tolerances are suitable for motor mounting see dimension sheet in project planning manual DOK MOTOR MSK EXGIIK3 PR P for details 4 Check all components mounting surfaces...

Страница 31: ...s are carried out the rooms are to be ventilated if applicable in order to remove any existing explosive gas In order to ensure proper functioning of the holding brake it must be checked before the motors are commissioned The test as well as the resurfacing may be carried out mechanically by hand or automatically by means of the software function Checking and resurfacing of holding brakes by hand ...

Страница 32: ... out cyclically in the framework of a preventive maintenance Restoring the holding torque M4 by means of the software func tion The following possibilities are available 1 Realization of the resurfacing routine IndraDrive Restoring the holding tor que see P 0 0544 C3900 Command Resurfacing of motor holding brake A repeated realization of the resurfacing routine is possible Upon the execution of th...

Страница 33: ... section refer to chapter 1 11 2 Connect equipotential bonding conductor on page 15 Proceed the following connections for safe motor operation Power connection inkl Temperatursensor und Holding brake Encoder connection Connection of equipotential bonding conductor acc to EN 60079 0 1 11 1 Power connection and encoder connection Damage to persons or property by disconnect ing or connecting energize...

Страница 34: ...ught into the desired position by hand due to the lever effect of the connected plug in connector Procedure 1 Connect motor power cable to flange socket 2 Move the flange socket in the desired output direction by turning the con nected plug in connector The desired output direction is set Each rotation of the flange socket reduces the holding torque in the set position To ensure the required holdi...

Страница 35: ... been ascertained that the overall system corresponds to the demands and cer tification conditions for explosion protection Damage to property due to errors in the con trols of motors and moving elements Unclear operating states and product data CAUTION Do not perform a commissioning if the connections operating states or product data are unclear or faulty the safety equipment and monitoring of th...

Страница 36: be carried out in which the instructions and conditions of use specified here are confirmed After repair and dis assembly at repair of safety relevant components do a parts check of the motor according to EN 60079 15 again if the explosion pro tection features are changed during repair or disassembly 1 13 Maintenance repair disassembly Danger of life due to electrical power Handling within the ...

Страница 37: ...the control commands to decelerate the drive to a controlled stand still 2 Switch off the power and control voltage of the controller 3 Switch off the main switch of the machine 4 Secure the machine against accidental movements and against unauthor ized operation 5 Wait for the cooldown times of the motor and the discharge time of the electrical systems to elapse 6 Disconnect all electrical connec...

Страница 38: ...nd disposal The disposal of the motor components can be done in the normal recycling proc ess under consideration of the respective valid national regulations Recycling Most of the products can be recycled due to their high content of metal In order to recycle the metal in the best possible way the products must be disassem bled into individual assemblies Metals contained in electric and electroni...

Страница 39: ...unded by a bandage we recommend to remove them before heating up the rotor in an oven to unfold the magnets In the case of successful demagnetization the magnets can be sepa rated from the rotor sleeves after cooling of the rotor without any effort Packaging Out packaging materials do not contain any problematic materials and can be re cycled without any problems Wood cardboard and styrofoam are u...

Страница 40: ...worldwide service network provides an optimized and efficient support Our experts offer you advice and assistance should you have any queries You can contact us 24 7 Service Germany Our technology oriented Competence Center in Lohr Germany is responsible for all your service related queries for electric drive and controls Contact the Service Hotline and Service Helpdesk under Phone 49 9352 40 5060...

Страница 41: ...compliance with the above mentioned directive The sole responsibility for drawing up this declaration of conformity lies with the manufacturer Applied harmonized standards Standard Title Edition EN 60079 0 IEC 60079 0 Explosive atmospheres Part 0 Equipment General requirements 2018 2017 EN 60079 15 IEC 60079 15 Explosive atmospheres Part 15 Equipment protection by type of protection n 2010 2010 EN...

Страница 42: ...tions of application laid down in the instructions DOK MOTOR MSK EXGIIK3 ITRS xx x 22 27 Appendix MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas Bosch Rexroth AG R911323850_Edition 05 ...

Страница 43: ...Fig 4 1 DCTC 30502 001_KOE_N_D0_2022 02 26 page 1 MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas 23 27 Appendix R911323850_Edition 05 Bosch Rexroth AG ...

Страница 44: ...Fig 4 2 DCTC 30502 001_KOE_N_D0_2022 02 26 page 2 24 27 Appendix MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas Bosch Rexroth AG R911323850_Edition 05 ...

Страница 45: ...MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas 25 27 R911323850_Edition 05 Bosch Rexroth AG ...

Страница 46: ...26 27 MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas Bosch Rexroth AG R911323850_Edition 05 ...

Страница 47: ...Notes MSK Motors Operation For Potentially Explosive Areas 27 27 ...

Страница 48: ...h AG P O Box 13 57 97803 Lohr a Main Germany Bgm Dr Nebel Str 2 97816 Lohr a Main Germany Phone 49 9352 18 0 Fax 49 9352 18 8400 www boschrexroth com electrics R911323850 R911323850 DOK MOTOR MSK EXGIIK3 IT05 EN P ...
