576414 | REV. B | 28.10.2016
Bosch Automotive Service Solutions Inc.
| Power Xpress™ Dual Bollard Charge Station Installation Guide
8. Install cable gland in top of wiring chamber.
9. Remove the top plastic cover.
10. Back out fasteners so that they do not extend into
the inside of the bollard.
11. Cut 2 lengths of service cord approximately 6.5 ft.
and 8.5 ft.
12. Feed cord through the length of the bollard. Excess
should extend approximately 14 in. past bollard
13. Feed the length of the charging cable through the
exit hole in the side of the bollard.
NOTE: Fish tape can be used to pass the service
cord through the bollard and past the
EVSE units.
14. Pass the cord for the top unit past the side of the
EVSE and behind the black face.
15. Slide bottom unit into mounting position. Take
caution not to scrape the front surface of the EVSE
against the bollard. Cables and cords will pass by
the sides of the EVSE.
16. Install cord into top wiring chamber of the bottom