Seismic Detectors and Accessories
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Bosch Security Systems
Seismic Detectors Application Guide
Filing cabinet
A single ISN-SM-xx detector mounted externally provides adequate coverage for most filing cabi-
nets. Figure 6-22: Filing cabinet shows a suggested installation of a detector mounted externally at
the side of the document cabinet.
Figure 6-22: Filing cabinet
Gun cabinet
Depending on the construction and size of the gun cabinet, a single detector may be adequate for
a protection. For cabinets of a robust construction a second detector mounted on the door of the
cabinet may be required. Consider the accessories GMXP3, GMXP3Z & GMAS-6 for lock protec-
tion and additional security.
Figure 6-23: Gun cabinet shows a suggested installation of a detector mounted internally to the top
of the gun cabinet.
Figure 6-23: Gun cabinet