Allocation: Telephonebook entry only
Destination 1 to 64
if req.
Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs
Storing call numbers in the telephone book
You can store call numbers directly under a destination key. This can be accom-
plished in two ways.
Storing a call number in your telephone book on a destination key
Enter the new call number or open the de-
sired entry in your telephone book.
Select the menu item ”Allocation”. The de-
fault is ”Telephone book entry only”. You
can now decide which attribute is to be al-
located to the call number.
Select ”Destination 1 to 64” to store the call
number on a destination key.
Change the destination key level, if neces-
sary. You may only select level 1, 3, 4 or 5,
as level 2 is reserved for functions.
Press the destination key this number is to
be assigned to.
If the destination key has already been pro-
grammed, the previous contents will be
overwritten when the new number is
saved. The previous number is then stored
as a ”Telephone book entry only”.
Confirm your selection using ”Assign”.
Scroll downwards until ”Store” appears in
the display.
Save the entry. The number is now stored
on the selected destination key.