In the case of insufficient vacuuming
performance, check the following:
– Is the dust canister 7 full?
Empty the canister. See “Emptying
The Dust Canister” on page 10.
Clean the airflow chamber. See
“Cleaning the airflow chamber” on
page 11
– Is the coarse filter 1 clogged with dust?
Clean or replace the filter. See
“Emptying the coarse filter” on page
– Is the filter 17 clogged with dust?
Clean or replace the filter. See
“Cleaning/replacing filter” on page 12.
– Is the battery pack charge too low?
Charge or replace the battery. Refer to
your battery charger Operating and
Safety Instructions.
Regularly emptying the dust canister
and cleaning the filter
will ensure
optimum suction power.
If the vacuuming performance is not
achieved thereafter, take the vacuum
cleaner to Bosch Factory Service Center
or Autho rized Bosch Service Station.
P r e v e n t i v e m a i n t e -
n a n c e
m u s t
b e
performed by a Bosch Factory Service
Center or Autho rized Bosch Service
S t a t i o n .
S e r v i c e
p e r f o r m e d
b y
unauthorized per so n nel may result in
m i s p l a c i n g o f i n t e r n a l w i r e s a n d
components, which could cause serious
Be alert for battery packs that are
nearing their end of life.
If you notice
d e c r e a s e d
t o o l
p e r f o r m a n c e
o r
s i g n i f i c a n t l y s h o r t e r r u n n i n g t i m e
b e t w e e n c h a r g e s t h e n i t i s t i m e t o
replace the battery pack. Failure to do
s o c a n c a u s e t h e t o o l t o o p e r a t e
improperly or damage the charger.
Long term battery storage should be in
the discharged state.
Battery packs last
longer and re-charge better when they
are stored discharged. Remember to
fully re-charge battery packs before
using after prolonged storage.
T h e m o t o r i n y o u r t o o l h a s b e e n
e n g i n e e r e d
f o r
m a n y
h o u r s
o f
dependable service. To maintain peak
efficiency of the motor, we recommend
it be examined every six months. Only a
g e n u i n e B o s c h r e p l a c e m e n t m o t o r
specially designed for your tool should
be used.
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