Starting up | 9
Bosch Motorsport
35 / 148
14. Click on ‘Close’ when the transmission has finished.
15. Click on the Start button and choose ‘Open measurement file’.
16. Select the measurement files from the storage folder.
17. Click on ‘Open’.
18. Click on ‘New Desktop’ to open a new measurement data window.
19. Drag the ‘ub’ measurement channel from the channel list and drop it into the meas-
urement data window. The ‘ub’ measurement channel‘s graph is displayed.
9.5 Set time and date
The DDU 9 is equipped with a real time clock which is supplied by an internal accumu-
lator. Once this accumulator is charged correctly by 12 V supply of the display, ‘Date &
Time’ can be programmed by RaceCon.
Reassure that the time is set correctly, if the device has not been used for more than two
Connect the DDU 9 to the PC.
Click on the ‘Set date’ button in the ‘System’ tab menu.