16 | GPS Sensor
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Bosch Motorsport
16 GPS Sensor
This function requires the installation of Software Upgrade 2.
16.1 GPS (Global Positioning System)
Space-based global navigation satellite system.
GPS provides positioning, navigation, and timing services to worldwide users.
GPS receiver (sensor) gives digital information about position (longitude, latitude, height),
ground speed, course, and status.
Two types of GPS receivers:
CAN output -> Read in messages via CAN Input of DDU 9 (not covered here)
Serial output -> Read in messages via RS232 Interface of DDU 9 (serial interface 2)
16.1.1 Serial interface characterization
Serial Interface is characterized by:
Voltage levels: RS232 is standard (+/-12 V), UART (0 V/ 5 V) needs level shifter
Baud rate: 9,600 is standard for GPS, DDU 9 supports 1,200 to 115,200 baud. GPS Rx inter-
face baud rate must match DDU 9 interface baud rate. DDU 9 Baud rate can be set with
the ‘GPS_BAUDRATE’ characteristic Data format: DDU 9 expects 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1
stop bit (8N1)
16.2 Protocol
DDU 9 expects NMEA Protocol (ASCII).
The following messages are decoded:
GPS fix information
Overall satellite data
Detailed satellite data
Recommended minimum data for GPS
Vector track and speed over the ground
On most GPS sensors, these messages are activated in the default configuration.
16.3 Sensor recommendation
The system has been tested with the Navilock NL-8004P MD6 Serial PPS Multi GNSS Re-
ceiver. This sensor is based on a U-Blox 8 chipset and is fully configurable with the
Navilock “U-Center” software. To use this sensor with Bosch Motorsport components the
transfer rate, the satellite system and the update rate need to be reconfigured. More in-
formation about the configuration can be found in the Appendix.