15 | Lap Trigger
126 / 148
Bosch Motorsport
The GPS detection point is defined by the latitude and longitude. The easiest way to get
the latitude and longitude of a finishing line is due to a web mapping program such as
google maps. With google maps, simply left-klick on the spot where you want to set the
detection point. The information about the latitude and longitude will show up, in general
the latitude is given at first. You should insert at least five decimal places for sufficient pre-
Photo: Google Maps
The detection range defines the radius of a circle around the detection point in which the
lap trigger can be set. The lap trigger will be set as soon as the distance between the car
and the detection point has reached its smallest peak. By this function an imaginary finish-
ing line is calculated inside of the detection circle.
The imaginary finishing line can only be calculated if all channel sources are defined cor-
rectly. The latitude and longitude channel sources are mandatory for the functionality.
Missing direction or speed source lowers the precision of the system.
Define the latitude and
longitude of the GPS
detection point.
Define the detection
range around the
detection point.
Define the channel
sources for Longitude,
Latitude, Direction and
The configuration of the sensor update rate and the detection range
must insure to receive a valid GPS point in the detection range, des-
pite the occurring vehicle speed near the detection point.