Prgm>Trace Data>Destination
Select the output device: LPT1, COM1 Disk
Prgm>Trace Data>Delimiter
Select the data element delimiter: comma, LF, CR, Space
Prgm>Trace Data>Send Data
Press to START data transfer from buffer to device.
GPIB Control of Front Panel Output Controls.
In addition to the direct GPIB output via the
TKFPDISP and BUFCOUNT commands, the alternate device outputs can also be controlled
over the bus. The specific commands are given below.
FILENO Sets the filename B4500Ann.TXT for Disk output where nn is the argument of
FILENO. Valid range is 0 to 99.
BUFDELCO Set buffer delimiter to comma.
BUFDELLF Set buffer delimiter to linefeed (NL)
BUFDELCR Set buffer delimiter to carriage return
BUFDELSP Set buffer delimiter to space.
Note: The delimiters do not apply to data returned using TKFPDISP. They apply only to output
DATACOM1 Select COM1 serial port output.
DATADISK Select the floppy disk output with filename selected with FILENO
DATALPT1 Select the printer port LPT1 for output. Delimiter will affect printed format.
DATASOCH1 Select the Channel 1 buffer.
DATASOCH2 Select the Channel 2 buffer.
DATASOCHM Select the Channel Math buffer.
DATASORF1 Select the Reference 1 buffer.
DATASORF2 Select the Reference 2 buffer.
Note: These source selections do not apply to data returned by TKFPDISP. They apply only to
output using DATASEND.
DATASEND Action command which causes the data buffer to be sent to the selected output.
Unlike output to the GPIB data capture is interrupted during transfers to output ports and the