buffer to be sent. The total number of elements requested is specified by the BUFCOUNT
command. BUFCOUNT is followed by an argument in the range 1 to 501 inclusive.
After the TKFPDISP command and argument are sent, the first time the 4400A/4500A is
addressed to talk (MTA is sent), a string of comma delimited elements will be returned
beginning with the index value followed by BUFCOUNT measurement values as described
Each successive time the power meter is addressed to talk the index value will be automatically
advanced by BUFCOUNT number of elements and a new string returned. If the incremented
pointers reach beyond the last element in the buffer the string is truncated and fewer than
BUFCOUNT values are returned. At least one index and one element is always returned.
Example: BUFCOUNT 10
[MTA] Returns 0, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4 … p9
[MTA] Returns 10, p10, p11, p12, p13 …p19
Example: BUFCOUNT 501
[MTA] Returns 0, p0, p1, p2 …….p500 (entire buffer)
[MTA] Returns 500, p500 (truncated to one element)
Example: BUFCOUNT 5
[MTA] Returns 496, p496, p497, p498, p499, p500
The source buffer is selected using the CH1, CH2, CHM, REF1 and REF2 commands. The units
are selected using LIN or LOG. TKFPDISP does not interrupt sampling and data collection
while sending data. For this reason buffer data will not remain stable during a transfer. If this
behavior is undesirable, issue the STOP command to stop data capture when appropriate.
Front Panel Data Buffer Output.
Front panel data buffer output is controlled by the
Prgm>Trace Data>
menu. An entire data buffer can be sent to a Floppy Disk file, the COM1
serial port or the LPT1 line printer. No index value is used. The delimiter separating data
elements can be selected to be a comma, LF (line-feed or NL), CR (carriage return) or ASCII
space. This is useful if the data file is to imported directly into a spreadsheet.
Prgm>Trace Data>Select
A number, nn, 0 to 99 which specifies the filename
B4500Ann.TXT. Applies only to Disk output.
Prgm>Trace Data>Source
Select the data buffer: CH1, CH2, CH Math, Ref1, Ref2