A subsidiary of Noise/Com a Wireless Telecom Group Company
Applies to
Instruction Manual Model 4500A RF Peak Power Meter /Analyzer, Model 4400A RF Peak Power
Part Number 98404700A, revised 09/97.
Effective for Control Software Revision
and later.
1.1 Power vs Time Data Output Capability
Data Buffer Configuration.
Each trace display of the 4400A/4500A Peak Power Meter is
derived from a 501-element data buffer. Each element is a measurement value for one pixel in
the display. The elements are numbered from zero through 500. The element zero lies on the left-
most vertical gridline; the element 500 lies on the right-most gridline and element 250 lies on the
center gridline.
Data Buffer Output.
Data can be output for Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel Math, Reference 1
or Reference 2. The data is adjusted for Vertical Offset, calibration factors and averaging. If the
display Units are set to “Linear”, power will be in watts with 5 decimal digits of resolution. The
real number format is: (-d.ddddE
dd , -dd.dddE
dd or –ddd.ddE
dd where the positive sign is
omitted and the exponent is mod 3) watts. Negative power values indicate underflow of the
system “zero”. If the display units are set to “Log”, power will be in dBm (decibels relative to 1
milliwatt) with a resolution of
0.01 dB. Negative linear power values will return –70.00 dBm
excluding offsets if not clipped.
In the Pulse mode with Log units a clip level is applied which establishes a minimum power
level based on the sensor calibration data. This level will vary depending upon the sensor type
and offsets.
For Channel 1 or 2 in the Trigger View mode the data will be returned in volts with a resolution
0.01 volts.
GPIB Data Buffer Output.
Data buffer contents can be read over the GPIB using the
TKFPDISP talk mode command. This is a permanent talk mode that remains in effect until
replaced by a different permanent talk mode. TKFPDISP should be followed by an index
argument in the range 0 to 500 inclusive that specifies the number of the first element of the data