equipment requirements vary according to the length, type of boat and the propulsion system.
Some of the Coast Guard equipment is described in the Safety Equipment chapter of this
manual. For a more detailed description, obtain “Federal Requirements And Safety Tips For
Recreational Boats” by contacting the Boating Safety Hotline 800-368-5647. Some state and
local agencies impose similar equipment requirements on waters that do not fall under Coast
Guard jurisdiction. These agencies may also require additional equipment that is not required by
the Coast Guard.
If you’re new to boating, take the time to familiarize yourself with the terminology associated
with this activity. It will aid in your understanding of this manual, as well as some of the laws
applicable to the operation of your boat. While not exhaustive, this is a list of commonly used
terms and their meaning:
Abeam - A line perpendicular to a boat’s keel.
Access Plate -
A removable, watertight cover that provides quick entry to enclosed areas
for maintenance or visual inspection.
Aft - Toward the rear or stern of boat.
Beam - The greatest width of a boat.
Bilge - The lower interior area of the provide access below hull
Bow - The forward/front part of a boat.
Bow Eye - A u-shaped hull fitting used to attach the trailer winch to the boat
Bulkhead - Vertical partition in a vessel fastened inside the hull.
Chine - Meeting juncture of topside and bottom of boat.
Cleat - Deck fitting with arms or horns of a boat on which lines are fastened.
Deck - Upper structure which covers the hull.
Draft - Depth of water required to float a boat.
Fathom - A depth measurement equal to six feet.
Freeboard – Distance between topside and the deck.
Gunwale or Gunnel - Meeting from deck or cockpit junction of hull and deck.
Hatch - An opening in the deck.
Head - A toilet or toilet area in a boat.
Headroom - Vertical distance between the deck and cabin or canopy top.
Hull - The basic part of the boat.
Keel - The major longitudinal member of a hull and the lowest external portion of the hull.
Knot -Unit of speed in nautical miles.
Lee or Leeward - The side that is sheltered from the wind.
List - The tilt or lean to one side.
Port - The left side of the boat when facing the bow.
Scupper - Holes permitting water to drain overboard.
Sheer - Curve or sweep of the deck as viewed from the side.
Starboard - The right side of the boat when facing the bow.
Stern - The rear end of a boat.
Stringer - Longitudinal members that provides structural strength.
Wake - The track or path left in the water by a moving boat through the water.
Windward -
Toward the direction from which the wind is blowing against the deck.
Содержание Bohemian 17