While traveling, check the wheel hubs every time you stop for gas or refreshments. If the
hub feels abnormally hot, the bearing should be inspected before continuing your trip.
When rounding turns on highways or streets, do not cut corners. Also, go slowly over
railroad tracks.
Before backing your trailer into water, disconnect the light plug from the towing vehicle to
reduce the likelihood of blowing out lights when they become submerged.
Below is a list of items to check and perform prior to placing your boat
in the water:
Check all gear and replace if necessary
Check thru hull fittings for cleanliness, damage and tightness.
Check prop installation and tightness.
Clean battery terminal posts with a wire brush or bronze wool.
Install batteries, attach cables and tighten. Apply grease to post
to exclude air and acid. Check all wire connections for contact corrosion and tightness.
Check hull valves for easy operation and for condition of hose.
Check operation of bilge pumps in manual and automatic modes.
Check shower sump pump. Check operation of all DC circuits if applicable.
Check the hose and lines on the fresh water system, install drain plug and close drain
Perform maintenance on engines according to the manufacturer’s manuals prior to
returning them to service.
Fill fuel system and thoroughly check out fuel system including lines, fittings,
connections, valves and filters for leaks.
Check operation of toilet (reference manufacturer’s manual).
Check all engine and steering control cables and linkage for operation.
Lubricate cables and linkage as necessary.
Fill fresh water system and check for leaks.
Check safety equipment including flares, fire extinguisher and first aid kits. Replace
items as necessary.
The following checks are essential to safe boating and should be performed before ever starting
the engine. Get in the habit of performing these checks in the same order each time so that it
becomes routine.
Ensure weather conditions are (and are predicted to remain) conducive to safe
operation. Never operate your boat during small craft advisories or worse weather
Check that the required safety equipment is on board and in good condition.
Check that the fire extinguisher is fully charged, and be sure that you are familiar with its
proper use.
Check that no fuel, oil or water is leaking.
Check all hoses and connections for leakage and damage.
Check that the hull drain plug is in place and securely tightened before putting the boat
in the water.
Check that battery terminals are clean and tight.
Содержание Bohemian 17