BF 718
Before use, you must read and understand all instructions & warning stated in this Owner's Manual as well as
posted on the equipment.
Warm-Up Instructions
Groin Stretch
1. Sit with your knees flexed
and soles of feet together.
2. Hold your ankles and bend
at your hips (keep your
back straight) as you press
your knees toward the
floor with your elbows.
Hamstring Stretch
1. Sit with your left leg extended and bend your right
leg at the knee as you place the sole of your right foot
against the inner thigh of your extended leg.
2. Flex the foot of your extended leg (toes pointed
toward ceiling) and gently bend forward from your
hips; keep your back straight.
3. Reach your hands on your extended leg as far as pos-
sible and then switch legs and repeat.
Trunk Twister
1. Sit with your leg extended and
bend your right knee as you cross
your right leg over your left leg.
Your right foot should be flat on the
floor alongside your left knee.
2. Place your left arm on the outside
of your right leg and pull against
that leg while twisting your trunk
as far as possible to the right. Place
your right hand on the floor behind
your buttocks. Reverse leg posi-
tions and repeat.
Hip Stretch
1. Lie on your back and raise your right leg as you clasp both hands
under the back of the knee. Keep your left leg straight.
2. Gently pull your right leg toward your trunk without raising your
upper body. Switch leg positions and repeat.
The following flexibility exercises are provided to you as a means to prevent injury while you are exercising. A
proper warm-up routine decreases the chance of injuring your muscles while you are exercising. Please take the
time to do these flexibility exercises before and after each time you exercise.
Quadriceps Stretch
1. Stand on your left leg and hold onto
a support with your left hand.
2. Flex your right leg behind you, grasp
your ankle or foot with your right
hand and pull your foot toward your
buttocks. Keep your back straight
and right knee pointed down. Repeat
on the other leg.
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