• ENABLE button: Used to set the datalogger’s settings and create the file. This must be turned on to
record data. The datalogger is enabled when ENABLE button is orange, and off when it is white.
• Log Data buttons: These are used to start/stop logging data. The datalogger must be enabled before
this button records data. These flash orange when logging data.
‘Log Data’ icon in DATALOGGING panel and on Reach Control main screen.
7.4 Camera
For operators making use of Blueprint Lab cameras, the CAMERA tool provides a simple means of
operating these. To access the CAMERA control tool, see Figure 44.
Figure 44. CAMERA TOOL Functionality
To set up and control the Camera , follow these steps:
1. Set up the camera via the VEHICLE SETUP panel and its connection via the CONNECTIONS panel.
See Section 3.
2. Once the camera is set up, the Camera icon on Reach Control’s main screen becomes available to
click. Click on the Camera icon to bring up the CAMERA panel.
3. If the camera and its connection is setup correctly, then the “Direction Indicators” will display the
camera’s current orientation. The “Direction Indicator” that corresponds to its direction will become
4. Pressing the “Equal” button will centre the camera’s direction.
5. Pressing the “Up” button will move the camera angle up, while pressing the “Down” button will move
the camera angle down.