9.6. DISCR LEVEL potentiometer
The DISCR LEVEL serves for adjusting the detection/rejection level of iron,
tin-foil and low-grade non-ferrous metals (usually pollutants), and for baseline
exclusion of the discrimination (All metals mode) when it is set to level "0".
In level "0" the discrimination is excluded
, ie the metal detector
makes unaltered sound for all metals, ie it does not distinguish them.
That is why this position is the same as the "GBS" position, in which it is
recommended to carry out precision choice of auto ground zone and/or
manual balancing of the device, with the aim of achieving the maximal
balance for a particular terrain.
For a complete exclusion of discrimination may also further described below DISCR WIDTH and
DISCR DEPTH potentiometers to be placed at its minimum level (DISCR WIDTH at a level
"NORM", DISCR DEPTH at level "0").
When increasing the level of the DISCR LEVEL potentiometer, the metal detector
starts to distinguish the metals (Discrimination mode)
, and each successive level betters
the discrimination, ie the metal detector rejected to a greater extent iron, tin-foil and low-
grade non-ferrous metals
When detecting non-ferrous metals (copper, bronze, silver, gold) it makes deep-toned, non-pausing
sound, while for the ferrous metals (iron) the sound is pausing (recurring).
For levels from "4" to "10", the metal detector rejects at a different level iron objects, tin-foil
and low-grade non-ferrous metals, ie when detecting them it is making either no sound or a
quiet pop sound.
For practical use when searching for non-ferrous metals are recommended operating with the
following levels of DISCR LEVEL:
- For LTC48X v2: from „4“ to „6“.
- For LTC48X v1: from „6“ to „10“.
When detecting vibratory (dubious) signal, usually for heavily corroded iron, iron with alloys or
deeply buried object, the level could be increase more in order to get more accurate signal
discrimination. The surface sweeping of the particular terrain could contribute to the further
improvement of the detecting, because it results in shortening the distance to the buried
detected object.
DISCR LEVEL potentiometer is the main potentiometer for the discrimination. In order to
convenience, it is available on the front panel of the electronic block. Described below DISCR
WIDTH and DISCR DEPTH potentiometers (available at the bottom of the electronic block) are
complementary and can be set to a single specified levels in accordance with instructions for
their use.
9.7. DISCR WIDTH potentiometer
The DISCR WIDTH potentiometer serves for adjusting of the width (range) of
the discrimination area:
- iron and tin-foil (level NORM = LTC48 discrimination);
- iron, tin-foil and low-grade non-ferrous metals (levels from "1" to "9" and
level "WIDE").
The set level of this potentiometer, sets the maximum width of the area
of discrimination for DISCR LEVEL potentiometer.
In the level "NORM", the discrimination has the same width as the base version (LTC48). All
other levels (from "1" to "9" and level "WIDE") provide a wide area, ie greater discrimination.
It is recommended that work on possible small levels of DISCR WIDTH potentiometer.
User Guide (version EN201008241400)
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