To adjust a line, turn the corresponding knob (i.e. knob 1 for line 1) until the position of
the knob is the same as the position of the graph, then the parameter will change.
To adjust the Attack turn knob 1 to the left until the graph begins to move
Load a preset sound:
After power up, press the MENU button, then turn the MENU knob all the way to the left
until the load page appears.
Use the I and II knobs to select the patch Bank and patch Numbers respectively.
Press the FUNC button to load the selected sound.
To alter the current sound press the MENU button to return to the main menu.
Use the MENU knob to scroll to the page you want to edit. Use the four knobs (I,II,III,IV)
to adjust the settings on the screen.
The following pages are organized by the menu pages on the Navigator, each blue line
represents a different page on the synthesizer.