Voice Modes / Detune / Bend Amount / Midi Channel
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: Voice Mode
Mono - only one voice sounds and one note can be played at a time
Duo - two voices can play at a time with two voices per note
Unison - all four voices are stacked together and play the same note, one note can be
played at a time
Polyphonic - four notes can be played at a time
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: Detune - tunes the overall synthesizer to match other instruments
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: Bend - controls the incoming MIDI bend level b/- 1 note and +/- 12
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: MidiChl - selects the incoming and outgoing MIDI channel.
When All is selected the Navigator will receive MIDI messages from all channels but will
not pass through any MIDI Notes. In sequence playback mode the notes of the
sequence will output on channel 1.
When any of the other channels are selected (1-16), the Navigator will receive on that
MIDI channel as well as pass through the MIDI note and velocity information. In
sequence playback mode the notes of the sequence will output on the selected channel.
Sequencer / Chords
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: No controls
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: Speed - controls the speed of the sequence being played. Because the
sequence speed is linked to LFO 1, changing the sequence speed also changes LFO
1’s speed. Likewise, changing LFO 1’s speed, changes the sequencer speed. In MIDI
sync mode the sequencer speed in controlled by the incoming MIDI clock signal.