OM-AF20.1 E V1.02
May 15, 2015
Page 4
Do not operate appliance before reading and understanding operating instructions. Failure to operate appliance according to
operating instructions could cause fi re or injury.
Before installing this appliance, contact the local building or fi re authority and follow their guidelines.
This appliance must be installed by a qualifi ed installer.
Risk of burns. The appliance should be turned off and cooled before servicing.
Do not operate without fully assembling all components.
Do not let the appliance become hot enough for any part to glow red.
Do not install damaged, incomplete or substitute components.
Risk of cuts and abrasions. Wear protective gloves and safety glasses during installation. Sheet metal edges may be sharp.
Children and adults should be alerted to the hazards of high surface temperature and should stay away to avoid burns or
clothing ignition.
Young children should be carefully supervised when they are in the same room as the appliance. Toddlers, young children
and others may be susceptible to accidental contact burns. A physical barrier is recommended if there are at risk individuals
in the house. To restrict access to an appliance or stove, install an adjustable safety gate to keep toddlers, young children and
other at risk individuals out of the room and away from hot surfaces.
Clothing or other fl ammable material should not be placed on or near the appliance. Objects placed in front of the appliance
must be kept a minimum of 48” away from the front face of the appliance.
Due to high temperatures, the appliance should be located out of traffi c and away from furniture and draperies.
Ensure you have incorporated adequate safety measure to protect infants / toddlers from touching hot surfaces.
Even after the appliance is out, all surfaces, including the glass and/or any attachment will remain hot for an extended period
of time.
Check with your local hearth specialty dealer for safety hearth guards to protect children from hot surfaces. These guards
must be fastened to a wall and/or to the fl oor.
Any safety guard removed for servicing must be replaced prior to operating the appliance.
Under no circumstances should this appliance be modifi ed.
This appliance must not be connected to a chimney fl ue pipe servicing a separate solid fuel burning appliance.
Do not operate the appliance with the glass door removed, cracked or broken. Replacement of the glass should be done by a
licensed or qualifi ed service person.
Do not strike or slam shut the appliance glass door.
Operate only with the doors tightly closed.
Stove will over-fi re if door is not shut and latched.
Only certifi ed doors / optional fronts / and surrounds for inserts with the unit are to be installed on the appliance.
Keep the packaging material out of reach of children and dispose of the material in a safe manner. As with all plastic bags,
these are not toys and should be kept away from children and infants.
If the appliance is not properly installed, a house fi re may result. Do not expose the appliance to the elements (ex. rain, etc.)
and keep the appliance dry at all times.
The chimney must be sound and free of cracks and obstructions. Clean your chimney regularly as required.
Never use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal lighter fl uid, or similar liquids to start or ‘freshen up’ a fi re in
this heater. Keep all such liquids well away from the heater while it is in use.
Your appliance requires periodic maintenance and cleaning. Failure to maintain your appliance may lead to smoke spillage in
your home.
Higher effi ciencies and lower emissions will generally result when burning air dried seasoned woods, as compared to wet,
green or freshly cut wood. Burning wet unseasoned wood can cause excessive creosote accumulation. When ignited it can
cause a chimney fi re that may result in a serious house fi re.
The appliance is designed to burn natural wood only. Do not burn treated wood, coal, charcoal, colored paper, cardboard,
solvents or garbage.
Burn wood directly on the fi rebricks. Do not use a grate or elevate the fi re.
Do not store wood within appliance installation clearances or within the space required for re-fueling and ash removal.
Ashes must be disposed in a metal container with a tight lid and placed on a non-combustible surface well away from the
home or structure until completely cool.