OM-AF20.1 E V1.02
May 15, 2015
Page 32
Once the combustor is installed completely so that all three tabs
at touching the face of the dome, replace the fl ame shield. Note the
brackets welded to the back fl ame shield are shaped like a triangle.
e point of the triangle should face down when installed correctly.
Never operate your stove without the fl ame shield in place. Th
fl ame shield will protect the face of the combustor against damages
from wood when loading and other possible damages that can
occur during the cleaning process.
e fl ame shield will rest on the two tabs located on the dome
guard and lean slightly forward. Now that your combustor has
been installed you can relight your stove. You will continue to
receive excellent effi
ciency and clean burning for years to come.
A few reminders, never burn anything other than dry, seasoned
cordwood. Burning anything else may contaminate or ruin your
new combustor. Also remember to keep your front loading door
gasket seal properly adjusted, see “LOADING DOOR TENSION
ADJUSTMENT” on page 38. Doing so will improve burn times
and extend combustor life span.
e combustor supplied with this heater is a Z0336A-M metal combustor. Consult the catalytic combustor warranty also
supplied with this wood heater. Warranty claims should be addressed to:
in Canada
in USA
Blaze King Industries / Valley Comfort Systems
Warranty Department, 1290 Commercial Way
Penticton, BC Canada V2A 3H5, Ph: 250-493-7444
Blaze King Industries
Warranty Department, 146A Street
Walla, Walla, Washington 99362, Ph: 509-522-2730