Equalizer adjustment guide
Tone impression/problem
Bass too quiet
Bass sounds muddy
Booming tone
Unpleasant pressure
Tone lacks depth,
is aggressive, no stereo effect.
Muffled tone
Lack of clarity
Instruments have no brightness
Bass boost with
Filter: “LOW EQ”
Frequency: 50 to 100 Hz
Level :+4 to +6
Reduce lower middle tones with
Filters: “LOW EQ”, “MID EQ”
Frequency: 125 to 400 Hz
Level : approx. -4
Reduce middle tones with
Filters: “MID EQ”, “HIGH EQ”
Frequency: 1,000 to 2,500 Hz
Level : -4 to -6
Boost treble tones with
Filter: “HIGH EQ”
Frequency: approx. 12,500 Hz
Level : +2 to +4