Open the unit panel.
Remove the supply fi lter located above the heat exchanger.
Pull the band to remove the heat exchanger from the unit.
Perform the actions in the reverse order after completion of the heat
recovery maintenance.
3. Fan maintenance (once per year).
The regular fi lter cleaning may not completely prevent the dust ingress
into the unit, which results in the unit capacity decrease. Clean the fan with a
soft cloth or a brush. Cleaning with water, abrasive detergents, sharp object or
chemicals is not allowed.
4. Condensate removal (once per year).
Some condensate may collect in the drain pan during heat recovery. As
the drain pan gets fi lled with condensate, the control panel display shows
the indicator
, that communicates the full drain pan status and the need
to remove condensate.
Condensate removal:
Make sure the unit is disconnected from power mains.
Open the unit panel.
Lift up the condensate level switch.
Hold the condensate level switch and pull carefully the condensate
drain pan.
Empty the drain pan and re-install it back. Lift up the condensate level
switch prior to its installation.
5. Outer ventilation hood (supply grille) maintenance (twice per year).
Check the outer hood (supply grille) condition and remove foreign objects
to maintain free air intake.
6. Air ducts maintenance (once in 5 years).
The regular unit maintenance in compliance with the above rules may
not completely prevent dust ingress into the air ducts which may result in
air fl ow decrease. The air duct maintenance consist in periodical cleaning or
7. Outer ventilation hood (exhaust grille) maintenance (as required).
Check the outer hood (exhaust grille) condition and remove foreign
objects to maintain free air exhaust.