Trim Flight
Perform this procedure if the model is not performing well or has
been recently rebuilt from a crash.
The trim fl ight procedure was performed during the factory
test fl ight and only needs to be performed if you notice the
model is not returning to level consistently or if the model
does not remain still during stationary pirouettes. The trim
fl ight is used to determine the optimal settings for SAFE
technology during fl ight.
The trim fl ight must be performed in calm conditions.
Entering Trim Flight Mode
1. Lower the throttle stick to the lowest position.
2. Center all trims. For the included Spektrum DXe
transmitter (RTF only), the trims are centered when
you hear a higher pitched beep while pressing the
trim button. Move the trim in both directions until you
hear the high-pitched beep.
3. Power ON the transmitter.
4. Install the fl ight battery in the helicopter.
5. Connect the battery connector to the ESC.
6. Place the helicopter on a fl at surface and leave it still
until the motor beeps twice and the blue ESC LED
glows solid, indicating initialization is complete.
7. Place the helicopter where you are going to take off.
8. Move and hold
the left stick
to the bottom
left corner and
the right stick
to the top left
corner as shown.
9. Press and hold the bind/panic switch until the
swashplate rotates around once.
10. Release the sticks and bind/panic switch.
11. The model is ready for the trim fl ight.
Performing the Trim Flight
1. Slowly increase the throttle to lift the model into a
stationary hover. Make corrections as necessary to
keep the model still. Evaluation does not begin until the
throttle stick is over 50% and the sticks are centered.
Making corrections will not affect the result but a
longer fl ight may be necessary.
2. Keep the model stationary in a hover for a total of 30
seconds. Sliding and slow movements are okay. The
main goal is to keep the rotor disk level.
3. Once you are satisfi ed with the trim fl ight, land the model.
Exiting Trim Flight Mode
1. After landing, lower the throttle stick to the lowest
2. Press and hold the bind/panic switch for 2 seconds,
or until the swashplate twitches, indicating the servo
positions and attitude values have been recorded and
trim fl ight mode has been exited.
Flight Test
After performing the trim fl ight, test-fl y the model to evalu-
ate the leveling characteristics.
• The model should return to level fl ight consistently.
• During takeoff, the model should lift off with minimal
• During a hover, the control stick should remain close to
center. Small corrections are acceptable.
If the model performs poorly or does not level properly
after the trim fl ight, retry the entire trim fl ight procedure.
If the problem persists, inspect the model for damaged
components, a bent shaft or anything that may result in
increased vibration. The trim fl ight may not record the cor-
rect values due to excessive vibration, fl ying in wind or the
model not staying level. In these cases, shorter trim fl ights
may be necessary. Try the 30-second, level trim fl ight
without corrections mentioned above fi rst. If the leveling
characteristics are not satisfactory, gradually shorten the
trim fl ights, checking for improvements until the model
performs as described.