BlackBerry Internet Service overview
The BlackBerry® Internet Service is an email and Internet service for BlackBerry devices that is designed to provide subscribers with automatic
delivery of email messages, mobile access to email message attachments, and convenient access to Internet content.
This document describes all of the available features for the BlackBerry Internet Service email platform. Not all features are available for certain
products. For more information about each product, view the online help for the product.
BlackBerry Internet Service Email overview
Subscribers can add up to ten email addresses for supported email accounts to their BlackBerry® Internet Service account. The BlackBerry
Internet Service is designed to retrieve email messages from these integrated email accounts, deliver the email messages to subscribers'
BlackBerry devices, and provide wireless email reconciliation for supported email accounts. Subscribers with Google Mail™ accounts can
synchronize contacts between their email account and their BlackBerry device.
Subscribers can also create a BlackBerry email address that they can use to send and receive email messages on their BlackBerry device.
Subscribers access the BlackBerry Internet Service using a browser on their BlackBerry device or using the email setup application on their
BlackBerry device.
If subscribers have a user name and password for their BlackBerry Internet Service account, they can log in using a browser on their computer.
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry Internet Service overview