wireless email reconciliation from the
work or personal email account
For any existing email account that supports the synchronization of deleted items, subscribers can
delete an email message from the inbox in their email account, and the email message is also deleted
from their BlackBerry device. By default, email reconciliation for deleted email messages is turned
on. Subscribers can turn off email reconciliation for deleted email messages from their BlackBerry
Internet Service account.
The BlackBerry Internet Service marks email messages as read or unread and the sent items and
deleted items folders are synchronized for Yahoo!, Windows Live Hotmail, AOL , and Google Mail
(using IMAP or GIMAP) email addresses.
If subscribers add an enhanced Yahoo! email account, they can open, delete, or send an email
message from their Yahoo! email account and the change is reflected on their BlackBerry device.
notification of new email messages
The BlackBerry Internet Service is designed to continually check for new email messages for the
subscriber, and to automatically send new email messages to the subscriber's BlackBerry device.
The subscriber does not have to request new email messages.
Email messaging options
email message filters
Subscribers can create email message filters for their BlackBerry® email addresses or any other email
addresses that they have added to the BlackBerry® Internet Service.
Subscribers can use email message filters to specify which email messages the BlackBerry Internet
Service sends to their BlackBerry device. Subscribers can change settings for email message filters based
on who sent the email message, how the email message addresses them, or what level of importance
the contact assigned to the email message.
The BlackBerry Internet Service does not apply email message filters that subscribers create for
one email address to other email addresses.
email message storage
When subscribers send an email message from their BlackBerry device, the BlackBerry Internet Service
files the sent email message in the sent items folder in the subscriber's email account. When subscribers
delete an email message from their BlackBerry device, the BlackBerry Internet Service files the deleted
email message in the deleted items folder in the subscriber's email account.
Some email account types might not support these features.
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry Internet Service features