Serial Data Buffer
Page 2
Power LED
Shows unit is powered on.
Pause Switch
Stops ou tput wh en presse d. Data w ill
continu e to be bu ffered.
Rear Panel Switches/Connectors
DB25F (top)
DCE interface for output device.
DB25F (bo ttom)
DTE interface fo r host inpu t.
Serial I/F C onfig
Switches used to configure serial
commu nications (see Table 1).
DC Power Input
Unit requ ires +9V DC ex ternal supp ly
(provided with unit).
The Serial and HS Serial Data Buffers are designed for use in a standard office
environment but should not be located in direct sunlight or in an area of high
humidity. The exte rnal p ower supply provided with each model can be plugged
into any standard outlet. The input and output d ata cables u sed with th ese Data
Buffers are typically limited to 5 0' as specified by the R S232 sta ndard. The input
port functions as a DTE type device w hereas the output port functions as a DCE
type device. Both input and output connectors are DB25F. Black Box offers many
cable options for use with these products. (See Page 8 or call Black Box technical
support for assistance). After connecting the data cables to the unit then connect
the power supply. The Da ta Buffer does no t have an on/off sw itch and w ill,
therefore, power up auto matically when p ower is ap plied. The Data B uffer is
designed for continuous operation.
The Serial and HS Serial Data Buffers are configured through an 8 position
dipswitch located through an opening in the rear panel, labeled
Serial I/F Config.
The switches are read only after the unit is powered up or after the Reset button is
pressed. These switches are numbered 1-8, read left t o right and are interpreted
where 0 is down and 1 is up . The switch settings detailed in Tables 1 and 2 on the
followin g pages apply to b oth inpu t and ou tput ports.