Serial Data Buffer
Page 9
Calling Black Box
If you determine that your Data Buffer is malfunctioning, do not attempt to alter
or repair the unit. It has no user-serviceable parts. Contact Black Box
Technical Support at 724-746-5500.
Before you do , make a record o f the history of the pro blem. W e will be ab le to
provide more e fficient and accurate a ssistance if yo u have a comp lete
description, including:
t h e n a tu r e a n d d u ra t io n o f t h e p r ob l em ;
when the p roblem oc curs;
t h e e q ui p m en t in v o lv e d i n th e pr o bl e m;
any particular application that, when used, appears to create the
problem or make it worse; and
the results of any testing you’ve already done.
Shipping and Packaging
If you need to transport or ship your Data Bu ffer:
Package it carefully. We recommend that you use the original
If you are returning the unit, inclu de every thing yo u receive d with it.
Before returning the unit back to Black Box for repair or return,
contact u s to get a R eturn M aterials Au thorization (RM A) num ber.