Serial Data Buffer
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The Black Box Serial and High Speed Serial Data B uffers are d esigned to
streamline bi-directional data communications between any two R S232 devices
including hosts, printers, and mo dems. Each of their input and o utput ports c an
simultan eously support different baud rates and, with proper memory sizing, they
can completely eliminate the occurrence of flow control with the host to provide
fast, efficient, and error-free transmissi ons. These Data Buffers are ideal printer
accessories to exped ite prin t jobs through uninterrupted high-speed
communications with the host. Their integral push-button copy feature can also be
used to offload proce ssing by autom atically replicating print jobs w ithout any host
intervention. When used with a mod em, they can shorten connect times by
enabling continuous data reception at higher speeds while communicating with the
host at slower ones. With a Data Buffer installed, a host may never stop sending
The Black Bo x Serial Data Bu ffers will support simu ltaneous b i-directional d ata
communications through buffering and user-selectable hardware or software flow
control. The large primary buffer is associated exclusively with the “Input” port,
however. Each model Serial Data Buffer supports 16 predefined pairs of input and
output baud rates from 300 to 19.2kbps (or 4800 to 115.2Kbps for the high speed
mode l) as well as co mbina tions of the other common framing attributes such as
parity and databits. Each Data Buffer base model can be upgraded with up to three
additional 128K or 512K expansion modules in any combination providing the
most flexible offering ever to satisfy changing needs. Indicator lights on the front
panel provide visual confirmation of input and output data transmissions and the
convenient “Pause” switch can be u sed to temporarily suspend output while input
data con tinues to be stored.
Front Panel Switches/Indicators
Reset Switch
Used to reboot the device and reset the Copy
feature co unt.
Copy Switch
U s ed t o c r ea t e m u l ti p le c op i es o f t h e s a m e
print job or to make a repeat copy of the
most recent print job.
Data In LED
Indicator of the receipt of data from the
Data Out LED
Indicator of output data being sent to the
output d evice.
Pause LED
Indicates status of pause switch.