Publication date: , 2015
Revision A1
the default setting of access-list
access-list ace [update] <1-256> [next
{<1-256>|last}] [ingress {switch
<switch_id>|switchport {<1-53>|<1~53>}|interface
{<port_type_id>|<port_type_list>}|any}] [policy
<0-255> [policy-bitmask <0x0-0xFF>]] [tag
{tagged|untagged|any}] [vid {<1-4095>|any}]
[tag-priority {<0-7>|0-1|2-3|4-5|6-7|0-3|4-7|any}]
[dmac-type {unicast|multicast|broadcast|any}]
[frametype { any| etype [etype-value
e-0xffff>|any}] [smac {<mac_addr>|any}] [dmac
{<mac_addr>|any}]| arp [sip {<ipv4_subnet>|any}]
[dip {<ipv4_subnet>|any}] [smac
{<mac_addr>|any}] [arp-opcode
{arp|rarp|other|any}] [arp-flag [arp-request
{<0-1>|any}] [arp-smac {<0-1>|any}] [arp-tmac
{<0-1>|any}] [arp-len {<0-1>|any}] [arp-ip
{<0-1>|any}] [arp-ether {<0-1>|any}]]| ipv4 [sip
{<ipv4_subnet>|any}] [dip {<ipv4_subnet>|any}]
[ip-protocol {<0,2-5,7-16,18-255>|any}] [ip-flag
[ip-ttl {<0-1>|any}] [ip-options {<0-1>|any}]
[ip-fragment {<0-1>|any}]]| ipv4-icmp [sip
{<ipv4_subnet>|any}] [dip {<ipv4_subnet>|any}]
[icmp-type {<0-255>|any}] [icmp-code
{<0-255>|any}] [ip-flag [ip-ttl {<0-1>|any}]
[ip-options {<0-1>|any}] [ip-fragment {<0-1>|any}]]|
ipv4-udp [sip {<ipv4_subnet>|any}] [dip
{<ipv4_subnet>|any}] [sport {<0-65535> [to
<0-65535>]|any}] [dport {<0-65535> [to
<0-65535>]|any}] [ip-flag [ip-ttl {<0-1>|any}]
[ip-options {<0-1>|any}] [ip-fragment {<0-1>|any}]]|
ipv4-tcp [sip {<ipv4_subnet>|any}] [dip
{<ipv4_subnet>|any}] [sport {<0-65535> [to
<0-65535>]|any}] [dport {<0-65535> [to
<0-65535>]|any}] [ip-flag [ip-ttl {<0-1>|any}]
[ip-options {<0-1>|any}] [ip-fragment {<0-1>|any}]]
Use the access-list ace global
configuration command to set the
access-list ace. The command without
the update keywrod will creates or
overwrites an existing ACE, any
unspecified parameter will be set to its
default value. Use the update keyword
to update an existing ACE and only
specified parameter are modified. The
ACE must ordered by an appropriate
sequence, the received frame will only
be hit on the first matched ACE. Use the
next or last keyword to adjust the ACE's
sequence order.