Software User Guide
rxthreshold value can be from 3 to 127,
default is 28
show backpressure
Rx Buffer Threshold : 28
To set the Age Time
setage time=<timeout-period>
Default value is 300 seconds.
show age
Address table age time = 300
Web: Viewing Port Status and Configuring Port Parameters
In the web browser interface:
1. Click on the
2. Click on [Port].
3. Click on [Settings].
4. Select a port to modify.
5. After you make the desired changes, click on [OK] button.
6. Click [Save] to save the configuration.
Broadcast Storm Protection
One of the best features of the LE2425A and LEV2525A switches is its ability to keep broadcast
storms from spreading throughout a network. Network storms are characterized by an excessive
number of broadcast packets being sent over the network. These storms can occur if network
equipment is configured incorrectly, network software is not properly functioning, or poorly designed
programs (including some network games) are used. Storms can reduce network performance and
cause bridges, routers, workstations, servers and PC's to slow down or even crash.
10.4.1 How does it works
The LE2425A and LEV2525A are capable of detecting and limiting storms on each interface (Port).
A network administrator can set the maximum number of broadcast frames (Threshold value) that are
permitted from a particular interface every second. If that maximum number is exceeded, a storm
condition is declared. Once it is determined that a storm is occurring on an interface, any additional
broadcast packets received on that interface will be dropped until the storm is determined to be over.
The storm is determined to be over when a one-second period elapses with no broadcast packets
received on that interface.
10.4.2 CLI: To Enable/Disable the broadcast Protection
broadcast-protect <enable|disable>
broadcast-protect enable
Broadcast Storm Protection enabled
10.4.3 To set the Threshold value
rate-threshold port=<port|list|range> rate=<frms/sec>
In most situations, you will not need to set the Storm Thresholds. However, if intensive
broadcast messaging is typical to the network protocols used in your network environment,
you may wish to control the maximum number of broadcast messages or frames per second
that will be bridged from a particular host. If the maximum value of broadcast per second is
exceeded, the Access Point will drop all subsequent messages of that type from that source
10.4.4 How to Protect against Broadcast Storms
broadcast-protect enable
broadcast-protect enable
show broadcast-protect