dRy IRonIng
note: Ironing without steam (dry ironing) can be performed at any setting.
1. It is not necessary to empty the water tank; simply move the
variable steam selector to the far left to dry
note: If you wish to empty the water tank, follow the directions on
page 8.
2. To select desired setting refer to directions under SeleCTINg
3. When finished ironing, turn the fabric select dial to the lowest setting.
4. Stand the iron on its heel rest and allow it to cool off.
Important: always stand the iron on its heel rest when powered on but not in use.
note: This iron features a steam surge option on settings 4 through 6. Push the variable
steam selector to the right to select the amount of steam desired; this will help remove
set in creases and wrinkles. When ironing dry, you can use the steam button to get a
surge of steam. To use this button when dry ironing:
• make sure there is water in the water tank
• push the variable steam selector to the lowest setting for steam
• press the steam button
note: For best performance, leave an interval of 5 seconds between bursts.
uSIng vaRIaBle Steam
note: Be sure the water tank if filled.
1. This iron produces steam at settings 4 through 6. Turn the fabric select dial to the
appropriate setting for your fabric.
3. Whenever the fabric setting is changed to a higher or lower setting, allow the iron to stand
a minute or so to allow the iron to heat up or cool down. Test garment by pressing a small
hidden area to make sure setting of iron is correct.
tip: Iron garments that require lower setting first, then move on to higher setting.
Important: always stand the iron on its heel when powered on but not in use.
SuggeStIonS foR each SettIng
common garments & cloths
scarves, blouses, knits
iron on the wrong
Nylon · Silk
lingerie, robes, sleepwear,
iron on the wrong
Polyester · Rayon
knits, dresses, blouses, skirts,
travel wear
iron on the wrong
Cotton Blends
shirts, blouses, knits, uniforms,
bed & table linens
trousers, slacks, jackets, silk
scarves, blouses
Cotton · linen
100% cotton or linen blouses,
shirts, table linens, slacks,
summer wear, jackets
2. Push the variable steam selector steam at the front of the
handle to select the amount of steam you would like to use
(f). The higher the setting selected, the more powerful the
note: For no steam, the variable steam selector should be set to
the far left
Steam Button
tip: Use to make creases and remove tough wrinkles. The steam button can be used
at any time and on any setting whether ironing dry or with steam.
note: Be sure the water tank is filled.
1. With the water tank filled to the MAX mark, turn the fabric select dial to appropriate
setting (between 4 and 6) and let iron stand on its heel rest about 90 seconds.
2. Press the steam
button to generate a burst of steam. For best performance,
leave an interval of 5 seconds between bursts.
note: on first use, pump the steam
button several times.
SpRay Button
tip: Use to dampen tough wrinkles and creases at any setting.
note: Be sure the water reservoir is filled.
1. Press the spray
button to generate a spray of water.
note: on first use, pump the spray
button several times.
Important: do not spray silk.
hoRIzontal Steam IRonIng
1. Fill water reservoir to MAX line.
2. Turn the fabric select dial to select desired setting. See SeleCTINg FABRIC
SeTTINg on page 5 and read label on the garment to help you determine
fabric type.
3. Set the variable steam selector on the front of the handle to select the amount of
steam desired.
4. Allow the iron to heat.
5. When finished ironing, turn the fabric select dial to the lowest setting. Make sure
the variable steam selector is set to the far left to dry
and unplug the iron.
6. Stand the iron on its heel rest and allow it to cool off.
Important: always stand the iron on its heel rest when powered on but not in use.
veRtIcal SteamIng
tip: Use to remove wrinkles or creases from hanging garments or drapes.
1. Turn the fabric select dial to select desired setting for the fabric to be ironed.
2. Hold iron close to, but not touching fabric.
3. Pull fabric taut with your free hand and pump the steam
button as you move
the iron over the fabric.
Important: do not bring iron too close to hand holding fabric to avoid heat.
4. For best performance, leave an interval of 5 seconds between bursts.
emptyIng WateR tanK afteR IRonIng
note: It is suggested, but not necessary, to empty the water after each use.
1. When finished ironing, turn the fabric select dial to the lowest setting. Make sure
the variable steam selector is set to the far left to dry
and unplug the iron.
2. Stand the iron on its heel rest and allow it to cool off.