Rev. 1.01
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7. Windows Driver Application
7-1 Application with Visual Basic
This section contains example codes to control the printer (BIXOLON SRP-352plusIII)
using Windows driver with Visual Basic. Sample codes contained in the CD.
7-1-1 Windows driver selection
The following example c
ode explains how to select the “BIXOLON SRP-352plusIII”
Windows driver.
For Each prnPrinter In Printers
If prnPrinter.DeviceName = “BIXOLON SRP-352plusIII” Then
Set Printer = prnPrinter
Exit For
End If
7-1-2 Text Printing
The following example code explains how to print texts using Windows Fonts and Device
‘Print in Windows font
Printer.FontSize = 9
Printer.FontName = “Arial”
Printer.Print “Arial Test”
‘Print in printer font
Printer.FontSize = 8.5
Printer.FontName = “FontA1x1”
Printer.Print “FontA1x1 Test”