Burn Drive (Ash Dump Motor)
Burn Drive Motor Assembly.
A. Burn drive motor brake: Does it release or NOT set?
B. Is the Burn drive motor switch adjusted properly?
C. Check wire connections: They should be firmly, securely attached.
Burn Drive Motor does not run:
A. Is the # 4 or #5 light blinking?
B. Check all wire connections for tightness.
C. Ensure the Paddles are seated securely on the linkage rod pins and not binding or off the linkage.
a) If not, contact your Bixby Dealer
Burn Pot Assembly:
A. Is the Upper Burn Plate Gasket intact and in good condition?
B. Are the Ash Drawer Gasket and Latches in good condition?
C. Fuel deflector - check that 2 bolts are in place, tight and centered on pot AND both Upper Burn Plates are
tight together.
Assemble Igniters / Air Pump
A. Igniter
a) Are the igniters plugged in?
b) Are the fuses on the igniter board good?
c) Test igniter with ohms meter.
B. Procedure for using the ohms meter on igniters - Checking resistance.
Set the meter on the LOWEST OHMS SCALE for all resistance tests
b) Unplug the igniter (J5 or J7) from the Igniter board.
c) Place the probes of the meter into the plug of the igniter.
d) A good igniter should have a reading of aprox. 28 ohms.
e) A bad igniter will have a reading of less than 20 ohms or greater than 35 ohms.
1) If the reading is not 28 ohms, contact your Bixby Dealer
Air pump does not run:
a) Check that wire connections are tight.
b) Check that the ground wire is hooked up.
c) Ensure the Air Pump is plugged into "J14."
Exhaust and Convection Fans:
Exhaust Fan Assembly
A. Procedure for checking resistance of exhaust fan plug at main board:
a) Unplug the Exhaust fan from the Mother board (J13).
b) Set the meter on the LOWEST OHMS SCALE for all resistance tests.
c) Place the probes of the meter into the plug of the Exhaust Fan.
d) Place the black and red probes onto the plug where wires are connected.
e) A reading of 5-10 ohms is to be expected - a bad connection will have a reading of 1 or 0.
B. Failure of exhaust fan sensor:
If failure occurs, contact your Bixby Dealer
C. Exhaust
a) Check wires in plug. They should be white then black (top to bottom).
b) Check that wire connections are tight.
c) Check resistance of exhaust fan wires at the plug - a reading of 5-10 ohms is to be expected.
d) Check that the ground wire is hooked up.
Check that the alignment of the exhaust fan sensor is centered on the blades of the exhaust fan
motor fan blades.
1. Should any of these not meet above standards, then contact your Bixby Dealer
Convection Fan:
A. If convection fan does not run:
a) Check the Thermocouple wire at the Mother board for connection (J18).
b) Make sure that the wire colors, on the plug end, are red then yellow (left to right) on the Mother board.