+380 44 507 02 07
Connection to a Computer
The tracking device can be connected to a computer for
configuration and servicing. The device has UART output interface for
that purpose. In order to connect the device to a computer a USB-UART
adapter should be used that can be purchased from the dealer as an
Fig. 3. BI-810 TREK Connection Diagram
A terminal program can be used for data exchange with the device.
Terminal configuration settings: bit rate – 115,200 bps, data bit – 8, stop
bit – 1, without parity check, without stream control.
Once the link is up, the device will start sending its status data to
the terminal. Using the terminal program, a user can send commands to
the device and receive responses to them. But the device first needs to
send access password to the terminal in the following format:
TPASS: password;
is an access password for the terminal (by default,
11111 is used).
Once sent, the password will be valid for 60 seconds. After this
timeout, the password needs to be sent again so that the data can be
exchanged with the device.
Indicators Description
The top panel of the tracking device has 3 LEDs that indicate
current status of the device.