Magicians SOCD Cleaner V2
Section 9: Troubleshooting
Section 9: Troubleshooting
This section is most useful by using a multi-meter. If you are
unsure where to get one or use one, here is a great YouTube
video to get you started:
No Power
Sometimes there might be an instance where power is being applied, but it will not turn on or
intermittently turns on. Try the following to see if this resolves your issue:
Ensure that the cable you made or purchased measures to have voltage where the
board will be receiving it or check that the cable does not have a break in it by
measuring the continuity.
Ensure that the cable you made or purchased has been plugged into the correct port.
Ensure that the cable you made or purchased has the correct pinout. This can be
performed by using a muti-meter and measuring the continuity for correctly wired pins.
No Button Signal
Sometimes there might be an instance where a button is being pushed but it will not turn on
or intermittently turns on. Try the following to see if this resolves your issue:
Ensure that the cable you made or purchased does not have a break in it by measuring
the continuity.
Ensure that the cable you made or purchased has been plugged into the correct port or
is wired to the correct terminal.
Ensure that the cable you made or purchased has the correct pinout. This can be
performed by using a muti-meter and measuring the continuity for correctly wired pins.
Latency should be extremely low. We do not have any measured results yet because this
value might change as the firmware matures but last measurement was around 0.1ms. It
might be faster with an optimization we make in the future. Latency of any kind should not be
so slow that you can easily see the difference. As the firmware matures, and required updates
start to slow down, formal measurements may be provided.